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Showing posts from April, 2020

Year Four, Day 301, Pandemic Times Day 50: "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 37: Thriving

Hi Friends! 50 days ago the WHO declared covid-19 a pandemic. And here we are. We have come this far. Are we simply surviving or thriving? I am going to keep it brief tonight. I am planning on an early morning brisk walk/jog in the morning. The exercise, fresh air and birdsongs are essential for my mental health. Today I brisk walked 1.2 miles. No jogging, I was quite sore. I am aiming yo work up to 2 miles a day of brisk walking/jogging. Speaking of mental health, I am working on being more optimistic. I am frankly weary of all the cliche phrases in the news, especially "we are living in uncertain times". Gag. Life is uncertain. Let's look forward and kick this virus in the butt! Clyde Lewis had the same thoughts - and many more, as usual - I shared a few quotes from his radio program last night. Yesterday, I heard a podcast on NPR that inspired me to look on the brighter side.

Year Four, Day 300, Pandemic Times Day 49: "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 36: Quotes And Things

"False fears are a plague, a modern plague!" Michael Crichton,  State of Fear It is late. And I have run out of words. But not hope. Here are some quotes I collected today. Along with my daily video. And a Qi Gong/Hooping Video. And a link to a lovely article that lists positive quotes to get you through quarantine. Be safe. Be healthy. Be positive. Be blessed. Talk to you tomorrow! Love, Zita "Even though we are vigilant in trying to stop the spread of the disease, what is most unfortunate is that even though it has been reported that we have flattened the curve – the technocrats now say that it is not enough. They have moved the goal post from flattening to decline." "It is not wise for scientists to keep telling people they are going to die when there are positive things happening. It is not wise to continue to push models that are not real time as if they are to discourage people into thinking that things will be normal." ~Clyde

Year Four, Day 299, Pandemic Times Day 48: "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 35: To Herd or Not to Herd..

...that is the question! Here is the article about Dr. Atlas' opinion that I mentioned in my video: And here is the opposite side of the debate: I am leaning towards not relying on herd immunity and instead continue social distancing and rigorous hygiene, testing and contact tracing. Especially after reading this in the article on Al-Jazeera: "So why would a public health policy be acceptable simply because, as far as we know, the virus kills primarily old people and people with underlying conditions? What does this say about a society that accepts that the elderly and the sick can die in numbers, as an alternative to widespread economic damage caused by more stringent suppression measures?" So much to ingest. My head is full. Time for rest. Talk to you tomorrow! Love, pe

Year Four, Day 298, Pandemic Times Day 47: "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 34: Renewal

Good Evening Friends! I had a very productive day - especially considering this is day 34 of quarantine! I walk/jogged/ran 1.18 miles upon waking up. I made chaffles in my Dash mini waffle maker, and the most perfectly fried eggs in my new Dash mini griddle (my l time favorite kitchen gadgets!) I hung out with my 2 and a half year-old granddaughter. We played pirates "fighting the wind" and catch with her big orange ball outside. Then we watched Blippi song the "Excavator Song" and watched him explain the difference between excavators and backhoes. (My granddaughter is fascinated with heavy equipment. And Blippi. We both love Blippi. He's cool. Google him!) Then I taught a student, had lunch, did my pandemic journalism video walk in the park. The highlight of my day was a Zoom meeting with three friends from an online spiritual prayer and support group. It was the dose of human connection I didn't realize I was missing. We laughed, we vented, we

Year Four, Day 297, Pandemic Times Day 46: "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 33: A Walk in the Park

Good Evening Friends! I am catching up on the news and church services before I hit the hay. So I will be brief. I will just leave you with my walk in the park musings. And a scripture I just heard read on the Crossroads Church live stream: John 14:1-6   New King James Version (NKJV) The Way, the Truth, and the Life 14  “Let   not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.   2  In My Father’s house are many   [ a ] mansions; if  it were  not  so,   [ b ] I would have told you.   I go to prepare a place for you.   3  And if I go and prepare a place for you,   I will come again and receive you to Myself; that   where I am,  there  you may be also.   4  And where I go you know, and the way you know.” 5  Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” 6  Jesus said to him,  “I am   the way,   the truth, and   the life.   No one comes to the Father   except through Me." Have a blessed evening. Talk to

Year Four, Day 296, Pandemic Times Day 45, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 32: Breathe Deep

Dear Friends: There is an odd feeling in the air today. Rumors of North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-Un's death, yet to be confirmed, talk of tension in states that are opening, heated debates about vaccines and covid-19 testing and conspiracy theorists foaming at the mouth with talk of government surveillance thinly disguised as contact tracing. ( I must admit, my heart is racing. I have a feeling of impending doom. But then again, I had too much caffeine today - my usual black tea with fresh ginger, orange peel, lemon and cardamom in the morning, two Diet Cokes in the afternoon. I really need to cut back on Diet Coke. Like disinfectants, ingesting Diet Coke will not kill the coronavirus, and long term use could kill you! Well ingesting disinfectants would be a quicker death than Diet Coke, and probably does not taste as pleasant. I am not about to try. Th

Year Four, Day 295, Pandemic Times Day 44, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 31: Moles

Good evening, friends! I am coming out of my pandemic fog at last! And I owe it in part to running! Today I started my day with a morning run in the park. I am increasing my distance everyday and working up to completely running my route. And I feel stronger! When I began 6 days ago, it was: Walk, jog, run, gasp, wheeze, repeat. Today it was: Walk, jog, run, walk, jog, run... No gasp! No wheeze! Yay! I hope to come out of quarantine better, stronger, wiser and faster. When this began, I feared I would not survive. I feared that with my asthma, I would succumb to the virus. Or if I did survive, I would crawl out of quarantine like a mole from a cave, blinking at the sunlight. Disclaimer: I know not where moles live - that image just popped into my head! No matter what happens, I am feeling hopeful for the future. And very good about myself. I have gotten some much needed self care this past month. And I have discovered a strength, resilience and self discipline I didn

Year Four, Day 294, Pandemic Times Day 43, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 30: "The Rona"!

Day 30 - One entire month of social isolation! But according to Mike Pence, the end is in sight.  They will be doing more testing including drive through tests. Beginning tomorrow, there will be a drive through site at a high school in Beaverton. You do need a doctor's referral. They are talking about our country being opened up by the end of May. People on social media are showing negative reactions to the corona virus vaccine that is being developed. I have mixed feelings. I actually went to Walmart with my daughter today. The first time in over 30 days. I wore my mask. I was pleased to see about half of the customers and all of the employees were masked up. We had to wait in line, standing in a green box that had been painted on the pavement, about 6 feet apart until an employee nodded us in. But oddly, once we ent

Year Four, Day 293, Pandemic Times Day 42, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 29: The "P" Word

Dear Friends: Day 29. I can't believe how full my days are! I have picked up a few more students. And although I do enjoy online teaching, I find it is more strenuous than teaching in person. There's the strain of peering into the camera to see fingers on piano keys, there is often a sound delay, and it is not as easy to get my point across. So I find myself sending many videos that I've recorded of their pieces as well as written assignment. So even though when I go off to work, I don't have to fight any traffic, I  makeup for time commuting with time prepping and follow up. I just found out today, that the Community Music Center will be closed until June 4th and possibly longer for in-person classes. So that means my end of the year student recital in June will be canceled. This saddens me, but I accept it. There is a glimmer of hope, the board of directors for the Music Center is considering allowing us teachers to teach online during the summer. We haven'

Year Four, Day 292, Pandemic Times Day 41, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 28

Good Evening, Friends! Tonight I will leave you only with my daily video. Most tired am I! Talk to you tomorrow. Love, Zita

Year Four, Day 291, Pandemic Times Day 40, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 28:I Ran

Good Evening Friends! It is late. I am tired. I'll keep this brief. I ran today! 0.33 miles. It took me 5:55 minutes, but I DID IT! I am pumped up and ready to kick this old butt in shape, get healthier, and achieve a lifelong goal- to be a runner! I hope to compete in a run once we've collectively kicked some corona virus a*s out of the ballpark. There is a fascinating documentary that Epoch Times released about the origins of the virus. I thought the seafood market sounded fishy from the get go - pun intended. But fact checkers are saying this film is not entirely accurate. Decide for yourself: In any case, I am staying alert and informed, but shifting my focus to strengthening my health right now. At the best, I hope to be prepared to reenter society in the next few weeks. At the worst, I hope to survive the zombie Apocalypse and help save humanity! Be safe. Be well. Peace out. Talk to you tomorrow. I hope. Love, Zita PS I perfected the art of per

Year Four, Day 290, Pandemic Times Day 39, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 27: Our Running Challenge:

Good evening friends! We are sitting here on the cusp of 40 days since the coronavirus was first declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Forty days tomorrow. Most biblical! There is much talk about transitioning to phase one in various states. We haven't started yet here in Washington or across the river in Oregon. But I'm hoping it will be soon. We are closing in on 30 days of "stay home - stay safe" here in my state. I have only been outside my home most of that time just to walk across the street to the park to get some exercise. And speaking of exercise, I'm so excited to inform you that I'm going to start running tomorrow! My whole family! We're beginning a family running challenge. It will last the rest of the pandemic. My daughter and my son-in-law,  my son and his fiance are all going to run everyday and log our time and our distance. We don't have any stakess in place, just a goal to get healthier. And my personal g

Year Four, Day 289: Pandemic Times Day 38, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 26:What I've Learned So Far

Hello Friends! Today is day 38, since the WHO declared covid-19 a pandemic. We are nearing 40 days, a profoundly biblical number. Think of the Israelites wandering for 40 years in the desert, Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days, and the great flood that lasted 40 days!   ( ) I have learned many things these past 40 days. I have become a master chaffle maker. I whipe out half a dozen every morning! Yesterday I perfected the art of the poached egg. And today I learned that it is possible to make a very delicious, authentic tasting lentil dal from a can of lentils!  Who knew?  I wouldn't have, except for the fact that I was unable to find dried lentils in the supermarket. They seemed to have been swooped up by pandemic hoarders, along with the toilet paper and hand soap! Another thing I've learned, and this is much deeper than lentils, is the value of all contributing members o

Year Four, Day 288:Pandemic Times Day 37, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 25: Lentil Dal

Hello Friends: One good thing about the stay home order during the pandemic is this: I've learned how to make the perfect poached egg! Oh, and gluten free banana pancakes (made with coconut flour). Tomorrow I am going to try to make Indian lentil dal from canned lentils. Oddly enough, the grocery stores were out of dried lentils. Most mysterious. Has lentil dal become a pandemic dish? I'll inform you of the outcome of my canned lentil dal tomorrow. In the meantime, I must get to bed. I managed to get to bed an hour earlier last night. And I rise 30 minutes earlier than usual! Progress is progress, no matter how small! Speaking of progress, our nation is on the cusp of reopening. Earlier today, Trump tweeted "Liberate Michigan! Liberate Minnesota! Liberate Virginia!" I hope it is not too soon. The saga continues. Talk to you tomorrow. Love,

Year Four, Day 287: Pandemic Times Day 36, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 24: Be Still. And Awake

Good Evening Friends: Tonight will be super brief. Since we are on the cusp of transitioning back into society in the next month, I need to get myself onto a more regular (translation: earlier to.bed, earlier to rise) sleep schedule. It's been a lifetime goal and today recommended to me by my counselor. He is a wise man; I think I'll listen to him. I think the transition, may be more if a challenge than simply staying home, so I want to make sure I have plenty of energy. President Trump outlined his 3 phase plan for opening up the country, but he is leaving it up to the leadership of each state to determine when we can come out of our caves. I am excited, but I am determined to remain patient, and comply with guidelines as set down by our government. Hopefully if we are cautious, we can defeat the virus and save lives that would have been lost to carelessness.

Year Four, Day 286: Pandemic Times Day 35, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 23: Transitions

Hello Friends: Increasingly in the news, I am hearing that we have reached the peak of covid-19 cases Governor Jay Inslee of Washington said we are at the point of discussing transitioning from staying home to reenterinf into society. Donald Trump is strongly suggesting May 1st. The West coast states may be taking it a little slower and more cautiously. Which us wise. But forward movement, no matter how slow and cautious, is still progress. I'll take it! I am not on a hurry to leave home if it could save lives. Especially since my stimulus check arrived today! My one major purchase was a new tablet to use the Skype lessons with students. Such an improvement! I can sleep a little easier tonight. I hope you will too. I pray that this virus becomes a moment in history very soon. Praying for all who are suffering and grieving. Praying for compassion, hope and love to prevail. Be well. Be blessed. Talk to you tomorrow. Love, Zita

Year Four, Day 285: Pandemic Times Day 34, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 22: The End is Near

Good Evening Friends! Now that I have a good routine and am making the best of my time in quarantine, our government is starting to plan our reentry. Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown outlined her plan in a press conference today. I am feeling hopeful! Oregon, California and Washington have formed an alliance, so their plan is similar. I plan on keeping with my healthy routine. So I will keep this blog short. Must rise early for Qi Gong, Hooping and my walk in the park. Take that coronavirus! Talk to you tomorrow! Love, Zita

Year Four, Day 284: Pandemic Times Day 33, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 21: That Dang Carrot

Good Evening, Friends: I've survived 3 whole weeks of quarantine! And today, there has been a lot of promising news in the news. Not exactly good news. Yet. More like dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit. Or an Apple in front of a horse. Whatever the saying is... Our stimulus checks are on their way! I have heard reports from friends of friends on Facebook that have already received theirs. Good thing, because I am not sure I am actually getting unemployment. When I went online last night to claim another week, it said I needed to start over. I was confused. I had not received my first check, and I have lost all concept of time in quarantine, but I do have Google calendar. I didn't lose a week. So I resubmitted. Then today, on talk radio, I heard the Oregon unemployment website crashed and everyone was being told to start over. Start over. Not what any of us want to hear right now. "Move forward", "open up the country", "go back to wo

Year Four, Day 283: Pandemic Times Day 32, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 20: Duck Postscript

Dear Friends: Today I am taking the day off for introspection and prayer. I leave you with my daily walk in the park video, a duck postscript to yesterday's video, and a video of this morning's Qi Gong breathing exercises and hoop work out. I'll be back tomorrow. Be well. Be blessed. Happy Easter! Love, Zita

Year Four, Day 282: : Pandemic Times Day 31, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 19: The Tomb

Hello Friends: I had a real day of rest today. No piano students. No babysitting. I needed it. I am so tired. Interesting - since I have not left my home for 19 days, other than my daily walk in the park. Pandemics, I've learned, are not a walk in the park. Being forced to stay home is not restful. Unless you change your perspective. Instead of feeling confined and missing my old life, I am attempting to make the most of this time. For instance, today I sent a lot of time resting. And breathing. My lungs need healing. I am starting to take my Qi Gong practice up a notch. And I discovered the incredible Patrick McKeown. And I rediscovered the Buteyko Breathing Method". Patrick Mckeown studied the Buteyko Breathing method and has written several books on the subject. He is now the president of Buteyko Professionals I international. Today is Holy Saturday. The day Jesus lay in the tomb after his death on

Year Four, Day 281: Pandemic Times Day 30, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 18: Good Friday

Psalm 71: 17-18 (NKJV) "O God, You have taught me from my  youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. 18  Now also  when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come." Good Evening Friends: Today, according to the Christian faith is Good Friday. It is the day Jesus was crucified. Before he gave up his life, he said, "It is finished". "He did not say, "I am finished," for that would imply that he died defeated and exhausted. Rather, he cried out "It is finished," meaning "I successfully completed the work I came to do." It is 9:41 pm Friday night. I spent many hours today babysitting my granddaughter while her parents did a photo shoot. My soninlaw has been laid off from his church job and my daughter

Year Four, Day 280: Pandemic Times Day 29, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 17: Doing Time

Hello Friends: It's 10:32 pm, Thursday, April 9, 2020. It's late. I need to keep this short.  The numbers are still going up. As of 10:30 pm this evening, there are 1,607,567 confirmed covid-19 cases globally and 95,8111 deaths. Sadly, I predict that by this time tomorrow, there will be 100,000 deaths from the enemy of humankind: the virus  Today is day 100 - 100 days since China reported the corona virus to the World Health Organization. How our world has changed in 100 days! I am continually amazed at how time seems to be flying in isolation. Not so for my son who is experiencing extreme social isolation - of the prison kind. He still has 9 months to serve. I has a scare today. One of my son's friends posted an article on Facebook from the Portland Mercury: I was very concerned, worried about a riot in the prison. I

Year Four, Day 279: Pandemic Times Day 28, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 16: Hope and Resilience

Hello Friends! What a difference a day makes! There I go spewing out song title again! Man, I love this song. Especially sung by the great and might Aretha! Today, my daughter and I stuck to our routines. And I was so happy to find out she had gotten her guitar out of storage! I tried not to look too happy when I found her sitting by herself in the living room, strumming along to a YouTube tutorial. My granddaughter was taking a nap, so I tiptoed into the kitchen to make my lunch with just a nod her way. But I was happy!  She has musical talent, but as the daughter of a piano teacher, she has not really applied herself. Must be akin to being a preacher's kid, or something. Anyway, I cooked, I watched my granddaughter, I cleaned, I practiced piano and ukulele, I prayed, I read, I walked in the park. My newest culinary success:  Sweet potato flatbread! (Roti)  I found the recipe on youtube.  I embedded it down below my psalm of the day. It is a glorious s