I had a revelation this morning while I was walking to the bus stop. I do my best pondering on my walks. Especially morning walks.
I actually stopped mid stride, took out a pen and pad of paper. This is what I wrote:
You see, I was a bit grumpy when I started out this morning. Although a bit less than most Saturday's. I was able to sleep in a bit since my family members have other plans today. So no traditional family breakfast. Just me. And I chose sleep. It wins every time!
As I started walking, visions of all who had done me wrong started flashing through my head.
"God, make them go away!", I groaned.
All the mean words, condescending voice tones, judgmental looks were bouncing around in my brain. I felt my blood pressure rise. There were so many! I could not possibly expect all of these people to go away. And I could not hate. I do not hate. But I hurt. I felt all the meanness chipping away at my soul. Then I felt a breeze. Whenever I am walking and talking to God, and I feel a breeze, I smile. I always imagine it is how He gets my attention. Perhaps it the Holy Spirit.
That is when I remembered the scripture we studied last week. The one that led our pastor on his spiel about working out. How the hardest part is going to the gym. He was talking about motivating and encouraging people that were difficult.
The passage was 1 Thessalonians 5:14 (New King James Version)
Another appropriate passage is the next passage:
And of course, as I walked, I thought of Matthew 5:44:
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Matthew 5:44 (New King James Version)
How easy it is to read this verse, and how painfully difficult it is to actually DO this verse.
But the proof is in the doing. And DO I shall! Or at least try. Yet another lesson learned. But like I tell my students, in order for learning to stick, we need to practice repetition.
Humbled I am. But also relieved. A solution! From wisdom that is so much higher than I.
I felt my load lighten. The rest of my day was very pleasant. My mood stayed pretty even and high. I would say about a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being severely depressed, 10 being ecstatic.)
I did not have much of an appetite today. I think eating out twice yesterday was a bit much. So my eating was very moderate. And pretty darn healthy.
I had a pleasant day of teaching. And then I am proud to announce that I went straight to the gym and worked out after my last student!
I find I have to plan ahead, at least in my mind. Especially where eating and exercising are concerned. I was tempted to eat first and then workout, but I overcame the urge. I was not that hungry. And I knew if I ate first, chances are I would not make it into the gym.
It feels so good to conquer my bad self!
After the gym, I decided I would just go next door to Taco Time. Truth be told, I was craving chicken nachos. And of course the little devil that sits on my left shoulder was telling me, "Go ahead, eat the chicken nachos. YOU DESERVE IT!"
Seriously, I need to swat that demon like a fly.
Thankfully, the angel on my right shoulder whispered gently in my ear, "Look at the calories!"
I was shocked! Chicken nachos were 999 calories. But a chicken salad was 340 calories.
I listened to my angel and had the chicken salad. But I feared I would not be satisfied and be tempted to eat later, so I ordered a small side of "Mexi fries"(aka tater tots)
Here is my food log for the day:
Saturday, May 7, 2017
10 a.m. Starbucks Green Tea Soy Latte with 1 shot of vanilla syrup calories (240 cals), Oatmeal (200 cals) 1 T Healthy Choice Butter (35 cals), Brown Sugar (50 cals), Chopped nuts (100 cals), (Dried Fruit 100 cals)
11:45 a.m. CedarLane Quinoa and Vegetable Enchiladas with Poblano Crema Sauce, frozen meal (340 cals), 1 T Kimchi (15 cals)
2 p.m. Noosa Lemon Yogurt 170 cals
4 p.m. Brew Doctor "Happiness" Kombucha Tea (70 cals)
6 p.m. Chicken Fiesta Salad (340 cals), Mexi Fries (190 cals), Hot sauce and ketchup calories (25 cals)
Ok, I have a confession to make. I did partake of 4 gummi bears this evening while playing a rousing game of "Pictionary" with my housemates. It was a blast, but my inner evil competitor emerged, causing me to want to eat. 4 gummi bears was a miraculous show of self control. What I really wanted was a beer and a bag of chips!
9 p.m. 4 gummi bears (36 cals)
Grand Total 1,741 cals
Even though I did go over my alloted calories by 241 cals, I feel good overall about my eating. I could probably cut back on the Starbucks. But 4 gummi bears over a board game is epic for me!
Score another round for my angel!
On that note, to bed I will go! I am hoping to rise early enough to say my prayers and do some good stretching.
Today I focused on peace.
And I wish you a peaceful and Happy Friday!
Talk to you tomorrow.
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A stretch of road on my morning walk. |
"God sends us difficult people so that we can practice our Christian skills on them, pray for them, encourage them, and demonstrate the abundant love and peace of Christ!"
You see, I was a bit grumpy when I started out this morning. Although a bit less than most Saturday's. I was able to sleep in a bit since my family members have other plans today. So no traditional family breakfast. Just me. And I chose sleep. It wins every time!
As I started walking, visions of all who had done me wrong started flashing through my head.
"God, make them go away!", I groaned.
All the mean words, condescending voice tones, judgmental looks were bouncing around in my brain. I felt my blood pressure rise. There were so many! I could not possibly expect all of these people to go away. And I could not hate. I do not hate. But I hurt. I felt all the meanness chipping away at my soul. Then I felt a breeze. Whenever I am walking and talking to God, and I feel a breeze, I smile. I always imagine it is how He gets my attention. Perhaps it the Holy Spirit.
That is when I remembered the scripture we studied last week. The one that led our pastor on his spiel about working out. How the hardest part is going to the gym. He was talking about motivating and encouraging people that were difficult.
The passage was 1 Thessalonians 5:14 (New King James Version)
"Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all."
Another appropriate passage is the next passage:
1 Thessalonians 5:15(New King James Version)
"See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all."
And of course, as I walked, I thought of Matthew 5:44:
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Matthew 5:44 (New King James Version)
How easy it is to read this verse, and how painfully difficult it is to actually DO this verse.
But the proof is in the doing. And DO I shall! Or at least try. Yet another lesson learned. But like I tell my students, in order for learning to stick, we need to practice repetition.
Humbled I am. But also relieved. A solution! From wisdom that is so much higher than I.
I felt my load lighten. The rest of my day was very pleasant. My mood stayed pretty even and high. I would say about a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being severely depressed, 10 being ecstatic.)
I did not have much of an appetite today. I think eating out twice yesterday was a bit much. So my eating was very moderate. And pretty darn healthy.
I had a pleasant day of teaching. And then I am proud to announce that I went straight to the gym and worked out after my last student!
I find I have to plan ahead, at least in my mind. Especially where eating and exercising are concerned. I was tempted to eat first and then workout, but I overcame the urge. I was not that hungry. And I knew if I ate first, chances are I would not make it into the gym.
It feels so good to conquer my bad self!
After the gym, I decided I would just go next door to Taco Time. Truth be told, I was craving chicken nachos. And of course the little devil that sits on my left shoulder was telling me, "Go ahead, eat the chicken nachos. YOU DESERVE IT!"
Seriously, I need to swat that demon like a fly.
Thankfully, the angel on my right shoulder whispered gently in my ear, "Look at the calories!"
I was shocked! Chicken nachos were 999 calories. But a chicken salad was 340 calories.
I listened to my angel and had the chicken salad. But I feared I would not be satisfied and be tempted to eat later, so I ordered a small side of "Mexi fries"(aka tater tots)
Here is my food log for the day:
Saturday, May 7, 2017
10 a.m. Starbucks Green Tea Soy Latte with 1 shot of vanilla syrup calories (240 cals), Oatmeal (200 cals) 1 T Healthy Choice Butter (35 cals), Brown Sugar (50 cals), Chopped nuts (100 cals), (Dried Fruit 100 cals)
11:45 a.m. CedarLane Quinoa and Vegetable Enchiladas with Poblano Crema Sauce, frozen meal (340 cals), 1 T Kimchi (15 cals)
2 p.m. Noosa Lemon Yogurt 170 cals
4 p.m. Brew Doctor "Happiness" Kombucha Tea (70 cals)
6 p.m. Chicken Fiesta Salad (340 cals), Mexi Fries (190 cals), Hot sauce and ketchup calories (25 cals)
Ok, I have a confession to make. I did partake of 4 gummi bears this evening while playing a rousing game of "Pictionary" with my housemates. It was a blast, but my inner evil competitor emerged, causing me to want to eat. 4 gummi bears was a miraculous show of self control. What I really wanted was a beer and a bag of chips!
9 p.m. 4 gummi bears (36 cals)
Grand Total 1,741 cals
Even though I did go over my alloted calories by 241 cals, I feel good overall about my eating. I could probably cut back on the Starbucks. But 4 gummi bears over a board game is epic for me!
Score another round for my angel!
On that note, to bed I will go! I am hoping to rise early enough to say my prayers and do some good stretching.
Today I focused on peace.
And I wish you a peaceful and Happy Friday!
Talk to you tomorrow.
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