Day 24 of daily hooping. I am determined to shrink these abs, if it is the last thing I do! Perhaps I should have that written on my tombstone:
"Here lies Zita". Flat abs at last!!
Well I certainly hope to attain my flat abs goal BEFORE I am dead and gone!
Today's video was another rush job. But I downloaded some fun tunes to my Kindle last night. I enjoyed my hoop session more listening to the Punjabi music. It reminded me of the "Maritime Bhangra Dancers". If you haven't heard of them, you should look them up. They never fail to put a smile on my face!
I am not smiling so much looking at this video. My hooping skills have improved a bit, but that menopot has got to go!
After my hoop session, I walked 3/4 mile to the bus stop. I was planning on attending the 10:00 a.m. Mass at the Grotto, but it was cutting it close. Plus, I was feeling the need for a Starbucks iced tea. Today was Iced Passionfruit/Black Tea, no sugar whatsoever.
The icy tartness helped wake up my senses!
I am very tired today. But I have a plan. I spent some time researching nutrition. I am going to try and take it to the next level with my eating. I am working through the anxiety that food deprivation brings. I've been in this place before. My whole being is wrapped up in eating.
At least, with my food addiction, while it is not good for my health, it is not illegal. And food is necessary for survival. But I need to keep reminding myself it is fuel, not entertainment.
Perhaps that deserves repeating, in large and bold font:
I was having trouble sleeping last night, again. Many racing thoughts. So, as usual, I got on the internet. A dress caught my eye. It was long, with buttons up the front, flowered print. It reminded me of how I liked to dress in my late teens and early 20's. When I had a waist. I actually had an "hourglass figure". Of course, I cannot find that dress now! But here is something similar, but on a much less skinny woman!
Perhaps this can be my incentive to lose weight and get my hourglass back! A cool new dress! :)
I googled hourglass figure. Up popped Marilyn Monroe. I have read a lot about her. She was quite radical for her generation. Out of curiosity, I Googled "Marilyn Monroe's measurements".
I discovered that my waist is the size of her chest at the time of this measurement! DOUBLE OY!
I used to have a 26" waist back in the day.
I really do not know why I am so fixated on my belly these days. Perhaps because it has become my mountain, so to speak. It is a big road block to my successfully getting in shape. And it's roots go very deep.
I suppose that is why I blog. To get to the root of things. I said before, I am like an onion. Slowly peeling off the old, dry layers, hoping to find the real succulent me underneath!
But back to MM's measurements:
I found an interesting article about how she stayed in shape. Her diet was mostly protein - raw egg in warm milk for breakfast, carrots and steak or liver for dinner, ice cream for dessert. I find it interesting that she had a consistent exercise regimen. Although it was short, it sounds like it was a routine she stuck to. I recall seeing pictures of Marilyn jogging, before it was the cool thing to do!
You can read more about it here:
Marilyn Monroe died when she was 36. So young. 20 years younger than me. So I am blessed to be given longer on this planet. I am fortunate that I do not have any serious health problems, aside from my sometimes negative attitude and depression.
My next level in terms of eating, will be to greatly reduce carbs. In addition to eliminating gluten, sugar, processed meats, red meat and fried foods. I love rice, but for now, I am going to give it up. I'm going to try and stay away from dairy, except for yogurt and goat cheese. I may also reduce caffeine...ARRRGG!! My nephew has GERD. He had to go to the ER last week. His symptoms were similar to mine, but more severe. His doctor told him to cut out caffeine.
Maybe next week...
But I had a successful lunch today. I went to NAMASTE before Mass. It is an all-you-can eat Indian buffet.
I boldly walked past the rice, the bread, the red meat and the fried foods! I had a plate loaded with fresh veggies, raita (a plain yogurt condiment), pickled veggies, lentils, chickpeas, curried chicken and watermelon. I felt pleasantly satisfied and not stuffed after lunch.
And most proud of self!!
I did get really sleepy after Mass, however. I had planned to walk the upper grounds at the Grotto and read a bit. But I just sat and people watched before catching my bus here, to my home away from home.
The public library.
And wouldn't you know, on my very sleepy day, I ran into my old bus driver flame: "HFKAR"!
We said hello, but nothing more. I didn't have the energy. But I noticed he wasn't very upbeat either. He was not talking and smiling with passengers, like I remembered from our little rendezvous last summer.
I had a little thought - perhaps we really did have some kind of magical "thing", whatever that was, for a short time.
It actually cheered me up.
And speaking of buses, last night at the MAX stop, on my way home from the gym, I had a wonderful encounter with two strangers my age. One was a Caucasian gay man, the other was an African American female. They were having an intense discussion about discrimination when I sat down. The man was sharing his Doritos with the woman. After awhile, they changed the subject. The man looked at me and smiled. I had gotten out my knitting. He introduced himself. "A" The woman was "S". A sighed.
"Why can't people just be nice to each other?", he said.
"We are doing just that", said I!
"S" smiled at me. "Amen". She asked about my knitting. I told her about my grandbaby on the way.
We talked about random things. Then the bus arrived. A was waiting for another line. S and I got on and chatted a bit, before her stop. But as she left, I had the warmest feeling.
"We did change the world a little bit tonight, didn't we, S?" I said as she got up to leave.
"We did indeed. God bless you sister," she smiled and squeezed my hand.
It was a pleasant way to end an evening. And something I hope to remember. I told my new friends I force myself to keep up with the news. Even when it is ugly and violent.
"Because I want to always be informed, so I know what to pray for", I told my new friends. They smiled and nodded.
Life can be messy, and scaring and overwhelming, but in my own corner of the world I am doing what I can. Just putting one foot in front of the other.
Like the priest at the Grotto said today in his sermon. "We need to remember that we are not the machine. We do not even run the machine. God does. He's in control. And there is freedom in letting go and trusting Him with our universe."
Have a lovely Sunday!
I am heading to the gym and then to bed early!
Talk to you tomorrow!
Peace and lots of love,
"Here lies Zita". Flat abs at last!!
Well I certainly hope to attain my flat abs goal BEFORE I am dead and gone!
Today's video was another rush job. But I downloaded some fun tunes to my Kindle last night. I enjoyed my hoop session more listening to the Punjabi music. It reminded me of the "Maritime Bhangra Dancers". If you haven't heard of them, you should look them up. They never fail to put a smile on my face!
I am not smiling so much looking at this video. My hooping skills have improved a bit, but that menopot has got to go!
After my hoop session, I walked 3/4 mile to the bus stop. I was planning on attending the 10:00 a.m. Mass at the Grotto, but it was cutting it close. Plus, I was feeling the need for a Starbucks iced tea. Today was Iced Passionfruit/Black Tea, no sugar whatsoever.
The icy tartness helped wake up my senses!
I am very tired today. But I have a plan. I spent some time researching nutrition. I am going to try and take it to the next level with my eating. I am working through the anxiety that food deprivation brings. I've been in this place before. My whole being is wrapped up in eating.
At least, with my food addiction, while it is not good for my health, it is not illegal. And food is necessary for survival. But I need to keep reminding myself it is fuel, not entertainment.
Perhaps that deserves repeating, in large and bold font:
I was having trouble sleeping last night, again. Many racing thoughts. So, as usual, I got on the internet. A dress caught my eye. It was long, with buttons up the front, flowered print. It reminded me of how I liked to dress in my late teens and early 20's. When I had a waist. I actually had an "hourglass figure". Of course, I cannot find that dress now! But here is something similar, but on a much less skinny woman!
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I googled hourglass figure. Up popped Marilyn Monroe. I have read a lot about her. She was quite radical for her generation. Out of curiosity, I Googled "Marilyn Monroe's measurements".
I discovered that my waist is the size of her chest at the time of this measurement! DOUBLE OY!
I used to have a 26" waist back in the day.
I really do not know why I am so fixated on my belly these days. Perhaps because it has become my mountain, so to speak. It is a big road block to my successfully getting in shape. And it's roots go very deep.
I suppose that is why I blog. To get to the root of things. I said before, I am like an onion. Slowly peeling off the old, dry layers, hoping to find the real succulent me underneath!
But back to MM's measurements:
" So what size was Marilyn Monroe actually? Luckily, many of her dresses,
carefully preserved, are still around to measure off of. Further, one
of her dress makers also chimed in with exact measurements he took.
Those measurements were 5 ft. 5.5 inches tall; 35 inch bust; 22 inch
waist (approximately 2-3 inches less than the average American woman in
the 1950s and 12 inches less than average today); and 35 inch hips, with
a bra size of 36D. Her weight fluctuated a bit through her career,
usually rising in times of depression and falling back to her normal
thereafter, but her dressmaker listed her as 118 pounds and the
Hollywood studios tended to list her between 115-120 lbs."
I found an interesting article about how she stayed in shape. Her diet was mostly protein - raw egg in warm milk for breakfast, carrots and steak or liver for dinner, ice cream for dessert. I find it interesting that she had a consistent exercise regimen. Although it was short, it sounds like it was a routine she stuck to. I recall seeing pictures of Marilyn jogging, before it was the cool thing to do!
You can read more about it here:
Marilyn Monroe died when she was 36. So young. 20 years younger than me. So I am blessed to be given longer on this planet. I am fortunate that I do not have any serious health problems, aside from my sometimes negative attitude and depression.
My next level in terms of eating, will be to greatly reduce carbs. In addition to eliminating gluten, sugar, processed meats, red meat and fried foods. I love rice, but for now, I am going to give it up. I'm going to try and stay away from dairy, except for yogurt and goat cheese. I may also reduce caffeine...ARRRGG!! My nephew has GERD. He had to go to the ER last week. His symptoms were similar to mine, but more severe. His doctor told him to cut out caffeine.
Maybe next week...
But I had a successful lunch today. I went to NAMASTE before Mass. It is an all-you-can eat Indian buffet.
I boldly walked past the rice, the bread, the red meat and the fried foods! I had a plate loaded with fresh veggies, raita (a plain yogurt condiment), pickled veggies, lentils, chickpeas, curried chicken and watermelon. I felt pleasantly satisfied and not stuffed after lunch.
And most proud of self!!
I did get really sleepy after Mass, however. I had planned to walk the upper grounds at the Grotto and read a bit. But I just sat and people watched before catching my bus here, to my home away from home.
The public library.
And wouldn't you know, on my very sleepy day, I ran into my old bus driver flame: "HFKAR"!
We said hello, but nothing more. I didn't have the energy. But I noticed he wasn't very upbeat either. He was not talking and smiling with passengers, like I remembered from our little rendezvous last summer.
I had a little thought - perhaps we really did have some kind of magical "thing", whatever that was, for a short time.
It actually cheered me up.
And speaking of buses, last night at the MAX stop, on my way home from the gym, I had a wonderful encounter with two strangers my age. One was a Caucasian gay man, the other was an African American female. They were having an intense discussion about discrimination when I sat down. The man was sharing his Doritos with the woman. After awhile, they changed the subject. The man looked at me and smiled. I had gotten out my knitting. He introduced himself. "A" The woman was "S". A sighed.
"Why can't people just be nice to each other?", he said.
"We are doing just that", said I!
"S" smiled at me. "Amen". She asked about my knitting. I told her about my grandbaby on the way.
We talked about random things. Then the bus arrived. A was waiting for another line. S and I got on and chatted a bit, before her stop. But as she left, I had the warmest feeling.
"We did change the world a little bit tonight, didn't we, S?" I said as she got up to leave.
"We did indeed. God bless you sister," she smiled and squeezed my hand.
It was a pleasant way to end an evening. And something I hope to remember. I told my new friends I force myself to keep up with the news. Even when it is ugly and violent.
"Because I want to always be informed, so I know what to pray for", I told my new friends. They smiled and nodded.
Life can be messy, and scaring and overwhelming, but in my own corner of the world I am doing what I can. Just putting one foot in front of the other.
Like the priest at the Grotto said today in his sermon. "We need to remember that we are not the machine. We do not even run the machine. God does. He's in control. And there is freedom in letting go and trusting Him with our universe."
Have a lovely Sunday!
I am heading to the gym and then to bed early!
Talk to you tomorrow!
Peace and lots of love,
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