I think I am in hibernation mode. I am needing a lot of time alone. To think. To breathe. To get in touch with my authentic self.
It's working. I'm starting to feel more balanced.
I woke up this morning feeling more hopeful. I did a little happy dance when I realized what the significance of today is. Today being Saturday, August 31, 2019.
As of today I have been adhering to an intermittent fasting diet for 2 whole months!
I have lost and kept off 12 pounds. More importantly I have gained control over my eating!
I plan on continuing. I am inserting some OMAD eating plans in my regimen. In case you hadn't heard, "OMAD" stands for one meal a day. The logic is you get all of your calories for the day, (eating a bit less if you want to lose) in a 2 hour period. It amounts to one large meal and a bit of a snack.
It works well for me on the days I dine out with family or friends. You can pretty much eat what you want during that eating window.
Usually I have an eating window of 4 hours. I rarely eat past 2:30 or 3:00 p.m. at the latest.
When I am not eating, I allow myself lots of tea, water and coffee.
I have discovered a few tricks:
- "Cold Infuse Flavored Cold Water Enhancers" by Twinings Tea. They look like miniature tea bags. You drop them in your water and let them sit about 5 minutes. They are filled with herbs and natural flavorings. No sugar. No calories. So they don't break a fast! I tried the Blueberry, Apple and Blackcurrant. https://www.twiningsusa.com/our-products/tea-types/cold-infuse
- Zita's Keto Tea: I also picked up some heavy cream. And two different types of tea to add to my collection: black tea with cinnamon and herbal peach. I brewed a cup of black tea with cinnamon, added a sprinkle of turmeric, a shake of cardomom, a clove, a black peppercorn and let it steep. Then I stirred in a splash of heavy cream and a sprinkle of Stevia. This tea was lovely! I have read that a splash of heavy cream and Stevia will not break your fast. Even if it does (this is called "dirty fasting"), it enables me to stick to my eating plan. And I am losing weight slowly. Which I hear is the best way to lose!
On that note, I need to dash. I'm having lunch with my son. And I have much piano practice to do before church tomorrow.
Oh, I must report that I've been making the gym a priority. I'm going in about 3 days a week. And I'm still hooping!
And yes, I'm still reading Dean Koontz's Jane Hawk series. I'm on the last book. Trying to read it slow to make it last!
Happy Saturday!
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