My brain is back! I am thinking quite clearly today!
I think part of the key for me is controlling my eating. Gluten, simple carbs and sugar tend to give me massive brain fog.
I am feeling motivated to tackle the eating situation yet again.
I know, I sound like a broken record. Or for you young'ns, a broken CD!
I keep trying to achieve balance and fulfillment while I am still on this earthly plane!
So, last night, I prepared a simple cabbage soup in my crockpot. I let it cook overnight. It was lovely! I had a small bowl this morning. I squeezed some fresh lemon juice on top and garnished it with parsley.
Then I had a brilliant revelation! I put the vegetables in a tupperware container in the fridge for tomorrow, but I strained the broth, added a bit more lemon juice and put it in my Hydro Flask to sip in between students.
I am attempting to trim my food budget. I do realize I eat out way too often. So the overnight cabbage soup is a start. (It just consisted of a diced onion, about 1 T minced garlic, sauteed in olive oil on the high setting for about 10 min. Then I turned the heat to low and added a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots, and 3 diced tomatoes. I put a blob - about 1 T of "Better Than Boullion Chicken" on top and poured about 4 cups of water over it all and gave it a stir. Then I put about 1/4 cup fresh spinach on top. I let it cook overnight for about 8 hours. In the morning, I added freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 t sesame oil, salt and pepper. That's it!)
I did find a lovely little gluten free bakery in Clackamas! After my cleansing soup breakfast, I hooped and cleaned up. Then hopped on the bus to the bakery. It is called "Liberated Baking". I had a bagel with butter and a cup of tea this morning while I did my bible study, journaling and reading.
A most relaxing start to my day!
I have a new book that I just began. I had an interesting conversation with my son-in-law coming home from our Easter/Birthday celebration. I was talking about memories. I told him it was interesting to me when an old memory popped up from childhood. Because the memory was formed when I was a child. When I recall it, I see the picture and the feelings I had when I lived that memory. But I am so much older now. Has my perception changed?
We talked about memories for a bit. Then I told him that it is sometimes painful to relive memories. And that years ago I mentioned to a counselor, that I often have "popup" memories of people saying hurtful things to me. The counselor and I explored that for a bit, and then suddenly I said, "Perhaps I should replace those hurtful memories with memories of people saying kind things to me!"
The counselor and I looked at each other. It was one of those "aha" moments.
I can't say I've mastered the technique yet, but it is there should I need it.
When we arrived at my home, Sunday night, my son-in-law suggested I read Neil Anderson's writings. He told me he explores guilt and memories from a Christian perspective.
So I went straight home and downloaded Victory Over the Darkness: Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ, by Neil Anderson.
I knew this book was written just for me, when I read the title of Chaper 1: "Who Are You?"
I often joke with my daughter that I do not know who I am. However, it really isn't a joke. I sometimes look at myself in the mirror and am shocked at my appearance. I still feel like a very small child underneath it all.
In fact, a few days ago I was pondering after I read a bit of my Bible. I am still reading several passages every morning. I am on my third time completely through. I am now in Job. Job is difficult, but it reads like poetry.
I thought how the Bible does not spend much time describing the outward appearance of people. It mostly documents their words and actions. Except for when Moses came down from the mountain glowing. And when Jesus was transfigured.
In fact, the words of Jesus are so important, that many translations have all of the words of Jesus written in red.
In fact, Jesus Himself said of judging people by their appearance:
"You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one."
John 8:15 (English Standard Version)
But our culture is very appearance oriented. I have struggled with this for most of my life.
But there is a new Zita that is blooming. One who loves and respects herself enough to work on herself from the inside out. To heal her old wounds. To treat her body, mind and soul with respect.
What a better time to begin again than the week after Resurrection Sunday as we move into warmer weather?
I'm read to begin again!
On that note, I need to run off and teach some piano students.
I wish you a wonderful Tuesday!
Talk to you tomorrow!
P.S. Here is today's hooping video. Day 279!
I think part of the key for me is controlling my eating. Gluten, simple carbs and sugar tend to give me massive brain fog.
I am feeling motivated to tackle the eating situation yet again.
I know, I sound like a broken record. Or for you young'ns, a broken CD!
I keep trying to achieve balance and fulfillment while I am still on this earthly plane!
So, last night, I prepared a simple cabbage soup in my crockpot. I let it cook overnight. It was lovely! I had a small bowl this morning. I squeezed some fresh lemon juice on top and garnished it with parsley.
Then I had a brilliant revelation! I put the vegetables in a tupperware container in the fridge for tomorrow, but I strained the broth, added a bit more lemon juice and put it in my Hydro Flask to sip in between students.
I am attempting to trim my food budget. I do realize I eat out way too often. So the overnight cabbage soup is a start. (It just consisted of a diced onion, about 1 T minced garlic, sauteed in olive oil on the high setting for about 10 min. Then I turned the heat to low and added a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots, and 3 diced tomatoes. I put a blob - about 1 T of "Better Than Boullion Chicken" on top and poured about 4 cups of water over it all and gave it a stir. Then I put about 1/4 cup fresh spinach on top. I let it cook overnight for about 8 hours. In the morning, I added freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 t sesame oil, salt and pepper. That's it!)
I did find a lovely little gluten free bakery in Clackamas! After my cleansing soup breakfast, I hooped and cleaned up. Then hopped on the bus to the bakery. It is called "Liberated Baking". I had a bagel with butter and a cup of tea this morning while I did my bible study, journaling and reading.
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A most relaxing start to my day!
I have a new book that I just began. I had an interesting conversation with my son-in-law coming home from our Easter/Birthday celebration. I was talking about memories. I told him it was interesting to me when an old memory popped up from childhood. Because the memory was formed when I was a child. When I recall it, I see the picture and the feelings I had when I lived that memory. But I am so much older now. Has my perception changed?
We talked about memories for a bit. Then I told him that it is sometimes painful to relive memories. And that years ago I mentioned to a counselor, that I often have "popup" memories of people saying hurtful things to me. The counselor and I explored that for a bit, and then suddenly I said, "Perhaps I should replace those hurtful memories with memories of people saying kind things to me!"
The counselor and I looked at each other. It was one of those "aha" moments.
I can't say I've mastered the technique yet, but it is there should I need it.
When we arrived at my home, Sunday night, my son-in-law suggested I read Neil Anderson's writings. He told me he explores guilt and memories from a Christian perspective.
So I went straight home and downloaded Victory Over the Darkness: Realize the Power of Your Identity in Christ, by Neil Anderson.
I knew this book was written just for me, when I read the title of Chaper 1: "Who Are You?"
I often joke with my daughter that I do not know who I am. However, it really isn't a joke. I sometimes look at myself in the mirror and am shocked at my appearance. I still feel like a very small child underneath it all.
In fact, a few days ago I was pondering after I read a bit of my Bible. I am still reading several passages every morning. I am on my third time completely through. I am now in Job. Job is difficult, but it reads like poetry.
I thought how the Bible does not spend much time describing the outward appearance of people. It mostly documents their words and actions. Except for when Moses came down from the mountain glowing. And when Jesus was transfigured.
In fact, the words of Jesus are so important, that many translations have all of the words of Jesus written in red.
In fact, Jesus Himself said of judging people by their appearance:
"You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one."
John 8:15 (English Standard Version)
But our culture is very appearance oriented. I have struggled with this for most of my life.
But there is a new Zita that is blooming. One who loves and respects herself enough to work on herself from the inside out. To heal her old wounds. To treat her body, mind and soul with respect.
What a better time to begin again than the week after Resurrection Sunday as we move into warmer weather?
I'm read to begin again!
On that note, I need to run off and teach some piano students.
I wish you a wonderful Tuesday!
Talk to you tomorrow!
P.S. Here is today's hooping video. Day 279!
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