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Today is one week since R cancelled our movie date.
So to celebrate, I got dressed and headed downtown to meet "M" for lunch.
M is contestant number 2 from my personal ad.
He is from Bangladesh. We have talked a bit via text message and phone. He is very polite and has a cute accent. Plus he likes to cook. Very spicy food! He did not believe me when I told him I like my food as spicy as possible.
He is 42. Age is just a number, right? Plus I think I have found the fountain of youth in weight training, clean eating, relatively low stress and a young (perhaps immature) attitude.
He also did not believe I was 54.
We had a very pleasant lunch. He took me to Buffalo Wild Wings. My son likes this restaurant. It was perfect for a first meeting/date. Very happy and bright.
I had a chicken salad, chips, salsa and iced tea. He had hot as fire chicken wings and iced tea. He let me try one of his. It was not too hot for me! I didn't have wings because I am trying to stay away from fried food. But they were dang tasty!
There was a moment after we ate where I looked up at him and he was looking at me. I noticed that he had beautiful eyes. He told me he liked my smile. I could feel a blush coming on. I looked down. Then I looked back up and grinned. It was nice to feel chemistry.
He asked me if I would like to go see a movie with him this weekend.
I think I would!
Happy Friday!
P.S. Ok, in all honesty M would be contestant number 3. But contestant number 2 got really freaking scary. We had talked on the phone and texted. Then he called the night my son got into the accident. He left a message, but I was too upset to return his phone call. He texted me yesterday that he was hurt and disappointed and wanted to call. I told him I was too tired. I told him my son had been in a car wreck and I apologized for not returning his call. He called me anyway. He screamed at me. Then he told me to "F" off.
I deleted his number.
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