I had a bit of a break down yesterday. I am ok now. I take that back. I am MUCH BETTER now! I think I needed a good cry. And good look at myself. I think humans respond well in life and death situations. Like the response to Hurricane Harvey in Texas. I cannot get enough of all the videos depicting all the people helping people. Many of them sacrificing their own lives to save others. Many of them volunteers. In contrast, my life feels very bleak and small. I felt helpless. I was tired. I was worried about my son. I was worried about my daughter. I was worried about finances. I was feeling lonely. I was wishing I was in Houston helping save people. Instead, I sat in a church office for three hours, alone. Working on the bulletin. Answering phones. Feeling sorry for myself. I have no students for the next two weeks. I had planned it this way. I am awaiting my grandchild. I thought I could take the time to rest, and prepare for my busy time....