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Year Three, Day 88: The Way of the Ninja Turtle

I do not like whiners and complainers. And here I am complaining about complainers!

It reminds me of the Israelites complaining to Moses as they wandered 40 years in the desert.

I have not yet started Joshua.  Where he finally leads Israel into the Promised Land.  I need to.

My day started out really rocky. Some issues and complaints at work. I let myself get defensive and feel sensitive, and made a really stupidly embarrassing mistake.

Then I started making excuses for myself.

Then I stopped. Because yesterday I had such a wonderful day. Especially lunch with my pregnant daughter. We were planning our schedule for when the baby arrives. It's quite complicated since it turns out I am not going to be able to afford a car.

But I did some research and discovered, there is a way to get to Vancouver on public transit early in the morning! Max doesn't run until 7 a.m. from Clackamas, but the #71 runs at 4:40 a.m.!  If I ever get up that early, I could transfer at the Parkrose Station to the Parkrose Express, which runs over the I-205 bridge. Then, one more Vancouver bus to see my daughter and grandbaby!

Better still, Tri-Met and C-Tran fares are interchangeable. So I would not have to pay anymore! It would take about 1 1/5 hours to get there, but so early in the morning, it would be a breeze. I am used to public transit. I have my knitting, my Kindle, my God to talk to.

At lunch we were laughing about some of life's annoyances.  We shared some of the difficult people encounters. I told my daughter I had a bit of a revelation this week. When people hurt me, get on my nerves or are just plain mean, I tell myself:  "That person was mean. I will pray for them"

And instant lightening of heart! Success!

I've been praying a lot lately.

But what do I do, when I am that person? Sigh. I guess I just pray for forgiveness.

Not a perfect species, are we!

I need an afternoon at the gym. I've been pet sitting, worried about them in the heat. So I've been coming directly home after teaching instead of my time at the gym.

On a more positive note, the lunch I packed hit the spot! Most healthy, grain free and very low carb!

I made tuna salad and rolled it up in a nori sheet (you know, the outer packaging of sushi!). I put a few pieces of fresh fruit on the side. Tasty! :)

My morning hoop sessions are still going well. Today is Day 54.  I woke up late, so just did a short session on the deck. With Squire the Dog keeping watch.

My cough is almost gone. But then again, so is my Prednisone!  I have two more refills, but I'm afraid that these steroids might do more harm than good in the long run.  They make me a little cranky.

A little off today, I am! It's days like this that really test a person's integrity and spirit.

I feel like a turtle. Crawling back into that shell sounds really good right about now!

I am going to practice what I preach today. I am just going to keep doing my best with my work and obligations. Then I am going to sit down with my Bible and pray.

And have faith that all will work out.

And then I will go and WORKOUT!

Turtles may hide in their shells, but Ninja Turtles kick butt!

I prefer the way of the Ninja Turtle, thank you!

That's a good note to end on, no?

Happy Tuesday!

Talk to you tomorrow.


Zita the Ninja Turtle :)


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