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Year Three: Day 82: The Gates of Hell

Today is the day that the gates of hell opens up. Sorry. Most dramatic am I! I am not one to usually complain, especially about the weather. I have bragged about how I ENJOY the rain. But 106+ degrees. In Portland?  


But we will survive!

It was already 67 degrees and the sun blazing at 7:00 a.m. when I crawled out of bed to let Squire the Dog out. He's been drinking water by the buckets! Usually he likes to play outside for a bit. But this morning, he did his business and then came right back in.

I grabbed my hoop and headed to my favorite tree before it got even hotter.  I coughed and wheezed a lot last night. But this morning, I am not taking my antihistamine. I am not using my nose spray. I am not even drinking tea with ginger.

Because today, after my office job, I am heading to the doctor's office. I want proof of my suffering!

It seems like most often, when I go to the doctor, just BEING in the office cures whatever ails me. Then I feel like a big moron trying to convince them I am sick.

But today, with this oppressive heat and the congestion in my lungs, I have a good chance of winning this argument.

Not that I want to be sick. I want to rule out anything serious: COPD, emphysema, lung cancer, etc.  And if it is something non life threatening like a sinus infection, or walking pneumonia, I would like antibiotis so I can get on with my life and my getting fit regimen!!

I have a few more home remedies for stuffy SHNOZ and wheezy cough.  One of my friends from the 10-Day Grain Detox group (Book by the same name by Dr. William Davis) recommending a bowl of steamy hot water with oregano oil. Cover my head with towel and inhale the steam. Oregano apparently has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Another friend recommended a Neti Pot (Actually more than one friend recommended it!). And another friend or two recommended saline nose spray.

Guess I'm not the only one with shnoz problems!

I actually had a very good hoop workout this morning. I am gradually going to lengthen my workouts. I was doing only about 5 minutes each morning, because of lack of time. But with the heat, I am popping up earlier to catch the cool breeze. So I did over 8 minutes this morning. I would like to do 15 min of hooping every morning. I added the music later. I chose Tchaikowksy's "1812 Overture". It always amuses me to see how some of hooping gestures seem to go with the music. As if I choreographed it!

And even more amusing, when the crow caw's in the background, it is in rhythm. Most of the time!

In addition to my daily walking. And then if I get cleared from the doctor, I would really like to get back to weight lifting at the gym! I can see some sagging in the muscles.  Not happy to see that!

But first, to clear my head and lungs.

I slept pretty well last night.  Better than usual. And when I popped up at 1:00 a.m., I drank some water and said my prayers. That is a good remedy!

So on that note, I wish you a happy Wednesday. And if you live in the Pacific Northwest, take is slow and easy. Drink plenty of fluids. And stay cool!

Talk to you tomorrow.




  1. Hi Zita, it's Cindy Buckle. I just wanted you to know I am still reading your blog but not through Facebook. I have removed myself from Facebook for the time being. I am so happy you are having good results with going grain free. You look mahvelous dahling! Hope your sinus problems get resolved soon. Keep up the good work and I'll keep reading. Is your phone number still one that ends in 73? I would love to stay in touch.

    1. Hi Cindy! Nice to hear from you! I occasionally unplug from social media too. It does tend to take over one's life! I would love to stay in touch in with you. I have a new phone number. You can email me at: and we can exchange numbers! I hope you and your family are well and surviving this heat wave! Peace and much love,
      Zita ❤


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