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Day 56: Hope

Again I had a big family feast yesterday.  We had chicken soft tacos, beans, chips and salsa and strawberry shortcake. But I stopped eating at 7:00 p.m. I feel I didn't overeat, except for I observed myself being quite drawn to the chips and salsa. Especially before dinner. We watched the USA women's soccer team defeat the Japanese team and win the World Cup!  Most exciting! I found myself reaching again and again for the bowl of chips and dunking in the salsa and crunching madly away. Then I noticed a look from my daughter.  I got hold of myself and stopped the manic munching!

But, as usual, I was dragging this morning.  I drank a lot of water last night. I stretched this morning. But after I watered the plants and took out the dog, I lay back down with the window open and fan blowing. Finally, a bit of sweet cool air upon my face!  This summer heat is maddening. 

So I did not go to the track this morning.  I am heading to the gym in about an hour. It is back/biceps day.  The gym has a nice AC!  I plan on eating a bowl of whole grain porridge after I finish writing. Then I will practice the piano a bit.  Before I leave, I will have some leftover chicken.

This should hold me over until dinner. Dinner will be out today since I have students. I have a big break at 4:30, since I have a student on vacation. I'll head over to Laughing Planet and have one of their bowls. One with grains and greens.

On the way home, I plan on stopping at the grocery story and picking up ingredients for an Italian Antipasto Pasta Salad. My daughter and I were brainstorming meals we could make this week that would not heat up the kitchen, that would be healthy and enjoyable.  I am going to look for either a good whole grain pasta, or a gluten free pasta if possible. I will add salami, mozzaerella cheese, olives, carrots, onion and banana peppers. Then I will make a light vinaigrette of olive oil, vinegar and garlic.  That will make a nice lunch tomorrow.

Ok, so here are my stats.  I am still working towards pushing myself harder at the gym and on the trail and eating smaller portions.  But I am not giving up! I will never give up!

Stats 07/06/2015

Weight:  198
Neck: 14" 
Chest: 43"
Waist: 38"
Hips: 46"
Thigh: R 23.5 L 23
Bicep: R 14, L 14.4

Compared to last week:

Stats 06/30/2015

Weight:  198
Neck: 15" 
Chest: 43"
Waist: 40"
Hips: 46
Thigh: R 23, L 22.5
Bicep: R 15, L 14.5

Actually I am not disappointed.  I see progress. SLOW progress, but progress nonetheless.

 In four days, I will have been at this new way of life for 60 days. In other words: TWO MONTHS! :) Really, I am glad that I have not made huge profound change, especially weight loss. I was a master of the yo-yo diet as a young adult. I do not intend to have this be a short term fix.  I do not intend on going back to my former way of life. It took me 53 years to get to this point.  Now, through effort I am working to make big life improvements. But this will time. Now, I do feel some urgency. At 53, I do not have that much time!  I mean, yes, I could live until my 90's or even 100, but I am not looking for simply years surviving. I want quality of life. I know it has been said that it is never too late to make a change. But if I were to continue being rather sedentary, eating recreationally, without discipline, I would most likely continue to get heavier and suffer ill health. At some point, there would be no turning back.

But for now there is still much hope!
Happy Monday!


  1. Still enjoying all of your posts, Zita. A favorite quote of mine about hope is from the 1994 movie "The Shawshank Redemption." Andy, in a letter to his friend Red, says "Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Enjoy the rest of your day, and stay cool!


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