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Day 79: Farewell DTA! Hello Daniil Trifonov!

I had a real day off today! 

I didn't go to Salem. My bible study friends went camping and one of my piano students is off on a European vacation.  That left one family at 3:30. And with temperatures predicted in the upper 90's, I decided to stay home.

I finished the last episode of Season 5 of Downton Abbey. I went to and read that the next season, Season 6 will be the last season!! What will I do? 

It sounds like Season 6 won't be out until 2016, so perhaps I can get my life back for a few months at least.

Today was a very relaxing summer day.  I started the day with yoga. My background music was "Piano Concert in A Major, K488 by Mozart" which was number 283 on the Classic FM Hall of fame.  I saw a youtube video with Daniil Trifonov as the soloist.  I was blown away.  Am now watching all the performances I can find by this amazing young Russian pianist.

After yoga, and some housework and a lunch of homemade pizza and vegetable soup, I braved the heat and hopped on a bus to my gym.  Amazingly, I was the only person on the bus (besides the driver). And it was blissfully air conditioned. I was a very happy camper indeed!

Happiness is an airconditioned bus on a 95 degree day!

I lingered at the gym. It was air conditioned too. I worked on chest and triceps with weights. Then I did 2 miles on the treadmill.  I was tempted momentarily by the frozen yogurt shop, but it was WAAAYYY across the parking lot. Too long of a hot walk for me! So I grabbed a light lemonade from the Taco Time next door and headed to the grocery store.

Safeway was ALSO quite cool!  In fact, cooler than the gym and the bus! So I lingered. I took my blood pressure and weight at the little kiosk. My blood pressure has been pleasantly low since I have been sticking to this health regimen.  117/80. 

Then I grabbed some chicken wings, strawberry yogurt, potatoes and chocolate graham crackers and back out into the heat I went!

Dinner tonight was:

Honey/Sesame Seed/Sriracha Chicken Wings
Red Potato and green onion potato salad
Pickled green bean and radish salad
Frozen graham cracker/Strawberry yogurt sandwiches.

 I also bought some powdered spirulina yesterday which I drank very quickly in a glass of water this morning. It tasted most unpleasant! But my energy has been good all day. 

I did another round of yoga stretches and lay with the tennis balls on either side of spine. This provides some good deep trigger point pressure which is really helping with my muscle stiffness.

Tomorrow is going to be another hot day. 100.  OY!

Now that DT Abbey is done, I can focus more on practicing my piano.  Watching the very gifted Daniil Trifonov has inspired me to work harder.

Happy Wednesday Evening! :)


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