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Day 76: My Downton Abbey Addiction - Better than a bag of chips!?

I finished watching Season 4 of Downton Abbey last night. LATE last night. I admit it. I am an addict!  I told myself that I would just watch one episode. But I was wide awake and so drawn into the plot.  I think I finally got to sleep about 2 a.m.

I have Season 5 on hold at the library.  This feels like my eating addiction.  Like saying I will just have one potato chip. But then when I can't seem to stop, telling myself that after I eat "the whole bag!" I will not do this again.  Sigh. I hope my days of food binging are over.  

But really, this Downton Abbey obsession is not harmless. I need to get to sleep earlier, so that I can start my day earlier. 

I am going to set a new bedtime of 11:30. That is reasonable.  Especially since I often do not get home until 10:00 when I have rehearsals.  If there is not time for DA that night, so be it.  After all, what will I do after I've viewed all the episodes?!

I pride myself on not being much of a television person.  Except for when I get pulled into a series. I had a House, MD fixation a fews years ago.  Then the Blacklist. Now Downton Abbey. 

Rather than feed this sickness, I am going to attempt to moderate it. Wish me luck!

So, speaking of food, yesterday I ate a lot.  I started with a big breakfast with my mother. At IHOP.  I toyed with the idea of a somewhat "healthy" breakfast, but the specials were a good deal cheaper. So I told myself this was just once a week, enjoy. And I did!  Blueberry pancakes, eggs over-medium, coffee with cream and sugar, hash browns and ham! 

But that is not all!  For lunch I had a Whopper Jr with cheese, small fries and a Diet Coke at Burger King.

But wait! There is more!  The church where I teach piano on Saturdays was having a rummage sale.  Speaking of addictions, my book addiction is probably my biggest vice. But I consider it a healthy vice.  I picked up a whole bag of books. But on my late afternoon break, everything went on sale 1/2 price.  And I couldn't believe it, but I was hungry again!

So, I had a chocolate rice crispies treat, a small brownie and a mini pecan tart.

It gets worse.

I had rehearsal that evening.  I hadn't packed a dinner. I think all of the overeating was my fear of getting hungry at my 6:00 p.m. cut off time.

But only one other person could make rehearsal. My cellist friend. And he called and said he and his wife had ordered a pizza. Was I hungry? Should he bring me a few slices? 

I relented. I guess Saturday is my day off from disciplined eating. I had 3 marvelous, gooey, cheesy, pepperoni and olive slices from Rudy's a wonderful family owned joint up the street. The crust is out of this world.

The funny thing about all of this is that after I crawled out of bed at 10:00 a.m. this morning and had my ice water and did about 20 minutes of yoga, I feel better than I have in a long time!  I haven't gained any weight and my tummy looks flatter.

But I am not a fool. I know I cannot eat like this every day.  Maybe not even once a week.

I am craving fruits and vegetables, so today I will try and skip the carbs and make all my food at home. It is a rare day off for me. I didn't even go to church.  I'm going to go walk on the trail.

One thing I should mention is that I have added MSM/glucosamine supplements. This, in addition to the yoga has me feeling years younger! I am also take Calcium/Vitamin D and a B-Complex vitamin daily.

I am adding some pilates into my yoga routine.  I picked up a book on pilates at the rummage sale yesterday.  Joseph H. Pilates, the founder of the pilates technique had quite an interesting beginning.

 "Small and sickly as a child, he was afflicted with asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever, and was continually taunted by the bigger children. He quickly became determined to overcome his physical disadvantages. Thereupon young Joseph began to self-educate himself in anatomy, bodybuilding, wrestling, yoga, gymnastics, and martial arts. He soon achieved an almost Adonis-like "anatomical ideal," to the extent that at the age of 14 he was posing as a model for anatomy charts. He was also an accomplished boxer, skier, and diver..He was enamored of the classical Greek ideal of a man who is balanced equally in body, mind, and spirit, and he came to believe that our modern lifestyle, bad posture, and inefficient breathing were the roots of poor health. ." (

As I type this, I am pleased to report that I am sitting up straight, abs tucked in, spine aline, head up. And I am breathing deeply and evenly from my diaphragm.

Today is going to be a wonderful day.  I think I may even join my daughter for a Bloody Mary after my run.

Next Sunday I have an interview for a church organist/accompanist position.  If I get the job, my financial situation will improve and that will be a relief! But I will not have the luxury of staying up and sleeping in. So tonight the 11:30 bedtime will be activated. And I will be rising at 7:00 a.m.!

Happy Sunday! :) 



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