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Day 80: I survived!

It was 102 degrees today in Portland, Oregon.

Lord, how I miss 70 and drizzling!

But I am a survivor. I got up and watered the plants, opened all the windows, did some yoga stretches and headed out to the trail before it got too hot.  At 9:00 a.m., it was already too hot.  Bit I did a quick mile.  I had leftovers from my wonderful dinner last night. My son-in-law, son and daughter were still raving about my honey/sesame/sriracha chicken wings and potato salad. I need to write down my recipe before I forget what I did. I am famous were concocting a wonderful meal and then when I try to replicate it, falling short!

The wings, I tossed with some flour seasoned with salt, pepper and cumin and then baked for 15 minutes at 350. Then I flipped them over and baked another 15 minutes.  I mixed about 1/4 cup honey, 2 tablespoons sriracha sauce, a splash of worcestershire sauce, 1/4 cup rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons ketchup, and 1 teaspoon sugar. I basted the chicken with the sauce and sprinkled some sesame seeds on top. Then I baked it for about 10 minutes, flipped, basted and sprinkled and baked for another 10 minutes. 

The potato salad was a classic recipe. But I used baby red potatoes and left the skin on.  I boiled about 12 of them. Then I soaked them in cold water and dried them off and diced them. I then diced up one dill pickle, three stalks celery, 2 green onion, one small green pepper from our garden and about 1 tablespoon parsley.  I added one can black olives, diced. I think what we really liked about this salad was the small, uniform diced pieces. I mixed together about 1/2 cup mayo, 2 tablespoons yellow mustard, 1 diced hard boiled egg and 3 to 4 tablespoons rice vinegar, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt and pepper and mixed it all up.

Ok, now it's in writing. Not exact measurements. I did taste and alter the wing sauce quite a bit. But it's here for next time! :) 

I broke my no food after 7:00 p.m. rule today. I did so intentionally.

It was the last evening of the summer term choir that I accompany. And we decided to have a little party.  I was a little nervous about being confronted by a table full of goodies. At 9:00, no less!

There were deviled eggs, spanakopita, watermelon, cantaloupe, crackers, cheese, cherry tomatoes, Greek olives, and dates. Thankfully no one brought cookies or cake. Perhaps it was the heat and the late hour.

I had a healthy plate and then as I eyed all the food, I had a sudden urge eat everything in sight!  But I got hold of myself. And had a few more pieces of watermelon. I told myself that was plenty. I the packed up my leftovers to bring home to the kids.

And I am ok with this. I don't feel like this is going to regress me back to binge eating.

I finished at 9:15. So I will just fast until noon tomorrow.

I am drinking a large glass of wonderful ice water as I type this.

And in retrospect, I had a healthy day of eating. And I exercised.

Now for some yoga before bed.

I have survived 80 days of daily exercise and healthier eating.  I am proud of myself.  I must continue to remind myself that this is my new lifestyle.

Tomorrow I am going to go to the gym. It is supposed to cool off to a mere 100 degrees, but that is still too hot for the trail.  And I notice that my arms are starting to show some definition. I need to make sure I make it to the gym at least two days, preferably three days a week. Tomorrow I will work my back and biceps.

Happy Thursday! :)


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