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Year Three, Day 41 (HPP Day 7):There was Kimchi!

I had a very nice day yesterday.

I had only one student. Three students cancelled because of a conflict with a dance rehearsal. One student was out of town.


I love my students. But an unexpected evening off is such a luxury!

I had a nice dinner at Laughing Planet. Be-bim-bap! Not exactly authentic, especially since they put a hard boiled egg instead of a fried egg on top. But what the heck. There was kimchi!  And I had a nice leisurely dinner of eating and reading at the same time. My favorite activity!

I read some more of my Beth Moore book (So Long Insecurity: You Have Been a Bad Friend to Us!). I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like she is speaking directly to the inside of my brain!

After dinner I discovered that my last student was out of town. Good thing I checked my email!

I was unfortunately having a craving. For ice cream. And I was really close to Cloud City Ice Cream parlor on SE Woodstock. I almost walked up there. The dark chocolate stout is serious heaven!

But I perservered.  I was planning on just stopping at Fred Meyer's for a bottled water and cut watermelon.  But then I walked past the ice cream. I love Rice Dream sandwiches. They are non dairy. However, they have a cookie in them. So, gluten!

I actually grabbed one and was going to the check out counter when I saw a very happy boy and his mom. He was holding a bowl of frozen yogurt topped with M&M's.

Fred Meyer's has a frozen yogurt island! With toppings!  YAY!

I was a good girl. I put back the Rice Dream! And instead had a small bowl of frozen yogurt topped with almonds and a drizzle of caramel.  I also bought a bottle of Aloe water.

Most proud of self!!

Then I headed over to the library.  I was planning on checking email and the news. And looking at weighted hula hoop workouts on Youtube... But I decided to check the DVD situation. I had put Homeland, Season 5 on hold, but it had not come in yet. And lo and behold, there it was! Sitting innocently on the shelf!

Most excited was I!

I learned a lot from my hula hoop video research. My next challenge is learning to hoop in the OPPOSITE direction.  And to turn in the direction that my hoop is spinning. These young ladies make it look so easy and graceful. But I have heard my students remark that I make playing the piano look easy. I am willing to be a student and fumble a bit!  Because every day I am seeing improvement!

I also had stopped earlier at Bi-Mart.  I need to pick up a hook for my knitting loom. I had misplaced mine. I am making a little hat for my granddaughter. While I was at Bi-Mart, I thought I'd look for some kind of contraption to hold my cell phone in place while I make my hula hooping videos. I found something! A cell phone mount that is meant for cars, but will definitely do the trick for my videos!


Alas, this morning I feel tired and poofy. Blame it on the frozen yogurt! It helps to have a culprit!

Wait...oy! I was not going to play the blame game anymore!  I take responsibility for the frozen yogurt. Every sweet bite!  

Anyway... I did have a little more luck with recording my hula hoop session this morning.  As you can see, I am learning a few more tricks! I even added bubbles!

After my demo, I proceeded to do 800 CONSECUTIVE hoop rotations, including turning, feet together, wide stance, forward stance and a few squats!

Progress is sweet!

Speaking of progress, I am making very slow progress in clearing out my old negative thought patterns.

I read this passage in Beth Moore's book last night, and was still pondering it this morning:

"Most of us have what I'll call a prominent false positive: one thing that we think would make us more secure in all things. You want to know how you can pinpoint your own prominent false positive? The thing you tend to associate most with security? think of a person you believe to be secure and determine what earthly thing he or she has that you don't feel like you possess, at least in matching measure. That's liable to be your prominent false positive: the one thing that would make you more secure in all things." ~Beth Moore So Long, Insercurity: You've Been a Bad Friend to Us.

I did some serious soul searching.

And what I discovered surprised me. I thought I would say without a doubt that being slender and fit were my false positive. But no, I know many slender and fit, insecure women. My false positive is a significant other, preferably a husband!
That kind of shocked me. I thought I was happy alone. But it seems when I really think about people I admire that seem secure and happy, they are happily married.

I know, I know. It could be an illusion.

And you know, I think deep down that no one would really love me if I was fat and out of the two are intwined.

This is good to know.

Not sure, at this point, what can be done about it.

But knowledge is a good thing. Especially self knowledge!

On that note, I must run off to teach piano.

Happy Thursday!

Love your family, your mate, your friends and especially yourself!
Talk to you tomorrow!


Zita :) 


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