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Day 2: "Crazy Train"

So, I woke up in the middle of the night last night and thought, "Oh, no! I forgot to put "Crazy Train" on my play list in yesterday's blog!  lol

I often wake up in the middle of the night.  It is actually a good thing. I am committed to my new blog!

But the unfortunate thing about the word "train" is that there was a disastrous train wreck last night in Philadelphia. An Amtrak train went off the tracks.  Many people injured. Last I heard there were 5 fatalities. Praying for the victims!

Ironically, May 16 is Train Day in Salem, Oregon.  I have been riding Amtrak to and from Portland, Oregon for over a year now.  Honestly, this has been a wonderful experience for me.  Usually I am on an Amtrak bus. The drivers all know me, at least by face and are very friendly and efficient. Most of the buses have free Wi-fi and are super comfortable. I do some of my best thinking, praying and napping on the Amtrak bus!

But back to me. :)  I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleased. My goal is to be under 200 pounds by June 1st. My long term goal (besides running the marathon!) is 150 pounds. I don't have a hard date for that. I'm more focused on the present. The moment. The journey. For really, that is all we have, right?

So here is a pic of my weight loss on a hand graph! I have been using "Weightcommander" for years.  I love the visual.  But for several years I avoided it because the dang graph was not going in the direction I wanted it to!

But you can sign up for this. I believe it is still free.  And the owner sends daily healthy snack ideas.  His name is Michael Marder.  You can find weightcommander at:

Here is a copy of my chart.

Today I am heading down to Salem on the Amtrak bus.  I have piano students and a bible study every Wednesday.  Because of the bus schedule, I usually arrive a couple hours early. So I am proud to say that I have been going to PhysiQ gym every Wednesday!  It's only $10 a month. Well worth it. My old self would have used the time for a leisurely lunch. But my new self is trying to substitute healthy obsessions with unhealthy obsessions!

At PhysiQ, there is this really cool "back room" I recently discovered. It has a big screen. They keep it dark.  There are treadmills, stationary bikes and elipticals.  And they play full length movies! Last week, for the first time in my life.....

drum roll!

I did ONE HOUR on the treadmill! Hey, they were showing a movie with Ashton Kutcher. I have a bit of a middle aged lady crush on him! It was "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas" staring Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz.

This is big for me. Really big.  I usually get bored with repetitive exercise. 20 minutes on the treadmill was my lifetime record before last week!

So I am inspired. I can change! I will change! I am changing!

Today I plan on another long treadmills session, but I might not make 60 minutes today. Pretty busy day. But I plan on at least 20 min treadmill. Today is chest and triceps day with weights. (I follow the back/biceps, chest/triceps workout). I'll also do crunches.

I will give you a report tomorrow.

Happy Wednesday! ;)



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