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Day 7: Vegetarian Minestrone Barley Soup, Humm Blueberry Mint Kombucha and Me!

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."1 Corinthians 10:31(ESV)

Happy Monday!

I woke up feeling very peaceful.  I am a little sore, but walking around and stretching helps. Stepped on the scale. I think it is stuck.  But that's not going to get me stuck!

It is a beautiful spring time day here in Portland, Oregon. I am drinking my tea. The sliding glass door is open and I can hear the songs of many birds.  Earlier, I went out on the deck and did some stretching. This has become a part of my daily ritual.

This week I am going to continue with my exercise regimen, while moving up to the next level:  Portion Control.  I already eat pretty healthy, although I am guilty of occasional snack attacks.  Chips are my biggest vice.  I seriously cannot eat just one.  But the other day, as an experiment, I put a small handful of blue corn tortilla chips on a plate with salsa.  I finished my plate and did not go for a refill! (Although sadly to say, I had to go to bed early because the bag was calling my name from the cupboard!) I don't know if I could do the same with potato chips. But then again, junk food is not on my menu.

I have been working on healthy eating for many years. I am pleased to say, that over the past 3 to 4 years, I have lost 36 pounds!  Granted, I went up and down a bit, but I feel like I have gotten more control over my eating.

I am an emotional eater.  Yup.  Had to get that out there.  But through research, prayer, trial and error, I feel more confidence in my food choices.  I do try to plan ahead, but if faced with hunger and just a convenience store in sight, I have been able to walk in and choose as wisely as the selection permits.

By the way, living in Portland is pretty awesome. Most convenience stores now carry Kombucha teas!  Last week, I had a hunger attack and had not packed any snacks. I walked into a convenient store and got a "Hum Blueberry Mint Kombucha", a stick of string cheese and an apple! I was a mighty proud woman at that moment.

By the way, no one is paying me to say this, but I love Humm Kombucha!!  Kombucha is a probiotic drink. Humm Kombuchas usually only have 40 calories per 8 ounce serving and no fake sugars!! The company has a brewery in Bend, Oregon and I am thrilled to find there product in many neighborhood stores in Portland! :) 

You can read about Humm Kombucha here:

My breakfast this morning started with a cup of Lady Grey tea  (like Earl Grey, but somewhat milder with lemon and orange peel.

Then I fried one egg gently in a small amount of olive oil while I reheated about 1/2 cup of the roasted root vegetables and chicken sausage from last night.  I put them on a plate and plopped the egg on top with a little "Tajin con limon" sprinkled on top.

Then I scoped out the fridge and pantry for the makings of a good soup.  I found a recipe in my "Fix It and Forget It Diabetic Cookbook".  I'm not diabetic, but I like the healthy crockpot recipes.

I found a recipe for Vegetarian Minestrone.  I improvised a bit, but came up with what is smelling like a superb soup!  It has chicken broth, garlic, onions, celery, kale, barley, parsley and garbanzo beans in it.  Wow - can't wait for dinner tonight! :)

I know I'm not supposed to lift the lid of the crockpot before it's done, but I have to show you how yummy this looks!

It smells divine! I wish I could imbed aroma in these pictures! :)

I am currently renting a room from my daughter and her husband. My son also rents a room.  Living with my adult children is not as challenging as I had imagined.  We all have different work schedules and contribute to the household in our own ways.

I clean the kitchen and make killer crockpot meals! :)  Luckily, we all are working on eating healthier, so they actually embrace my veggie meals. I'm not a vegetarian, but try to limit animal products.

Next on the agenda is the gym.  Today is Back/Bicep and treadmill.  After the gym I get on the bus and do home visit piano lessons.

Before I head to the gym, however, I need to get some piano practicing in!

Happy Monday!

Peacefully Balanced Zita :)

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,  for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 
~1 Corinthians 6:19-20 English Standard Version


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