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Day 8! Old Habits Suck!

So I made it a week!  I think it is helpful for me to have a schedule.  Years ago, after my children grew up and moved out to seek their fortunes, I downsized and started doing housecall piano lessons.

Did I tell you I take public transportation? Long story, that. But Portland has really stellar buses and the Max train.  I sometimes feel like Mr. Magoo (I'm very near-sighted like him too!). I just start walking out the door, step on a bus, step off, walk into a house. lol!

But it was challenging at first coming up a with a schedule that allowed for travel time. I think I've got it down now.

 I actually ride the bus by choice. Well kind of. I found that with a piano teacher's salary, I would have to get a part time job to fill in the gaps between teaching terms when the kids were on break, or cut back. The last car I had was a mini van when my kids were teenagers. And with my soft heart, I found myself taxiing them and their friends around way too much.  And my life seemed like a whirlwind.  Racing to the store (even when it was less than a mile away), racing to work, driving a kid here, picking up a kid there...arrrrggh! Then when the motor starting acting up, I sold it and hopped on the bus. 

Save money.  Have some down time for listening to music, praying, thinking, even reading on longer trips.  Sometimes I have some interesting conversations too! And the best part is that taking the bus involves a lot of walking!! Win-Win-Win!!

Anyway, each day of the week I have in mind the neighborhood and students I visit. And which bus line that entails. Now I have plugged in the type of workout I do.

So today is running on the trail day.  I am sore from my gym workout yesterday. And a little grumpy at myself for overeating.  Yes, I had a healthy, home cooked breakfast. Yes, I had a healthy crockpot soup waiting for me when I got home. But I didn't get home until 9:30 last night and I was "starving" all day!

My wonderful daughter always scolds me for saying I am starving. Of course I am  not.  There are many starving people in the world. It breaks my heart. I am just succumbing to my emotional eating. 

So I am going to devise some better solutions for my schedule. I am just going to have to pack a lunch and snacks. Relying on my good decision making in the various little store I encounter is very dangerous and expensive.

But yesterday as I headed out for the gym, I did have a kombucha tea, a piece of string cheese and nuts in my bag. I felt quite proud of myself! But when I got to the bus stop it was a 16 minute wait! I had just missed the previous bus.  I was feeling impatient. I should have left earlier. I was worried about not having enough time at the gym and being late for students. 

So I thought I'd go to the little store across the street. But luckily I stopped and reconsidered. I mean, I had my healthy snacks. And this store didn't have much in terms of healthy selections. Then I noticed a little espresso coffee cart. It was a warm, sunny day. Iced coffee!  So I had an iced coffee with rice milk, and sugar free vanilla syrup. 

It was a nice way to start the day. And I had changed a habit!!

But the rest of the day went downhill. I felt old thought patterns come up. Like, "You DESERVE a treat. You are tired. It will perk you up."  Grrr...

I made it through. Then before my last student of the evening I had another bus stop "Layover". And I was feeling a little lightheaded. So I headed over to the 7-11 across the street. And I was so pleased to find that they had little packages of fresh fruit with lime slices and Tajin!  I got mango and jicama. And a small bag of sunflower seeds.

Actually, in retrospect, yesterday was not a bad day. It was my thoughts and emotions that brought me down.

So here is my plan for today:
Tea, Blog.
Healthy Breafast
Practice piano for choir practice tonight
Pack snacks: String cheese, rice crackers, seaweed, sunflower seeds.
Healthy Lunch
Bus to Library to return videos
Stop at the store for a Kombucha, or Starbucks for iced coffee
Stop at supermarket deli - Chicken breast and fruit for small dinner
Choir Practice

Tonight I get home late, so I plan on not eating when I get home. I'll just have a cup of herbal tea.

Old Habits Die Hard.  New Habits Rock!!

And I'm Off....!

Happy Tuesday



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