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Day 6: Demons!

I battled demons last night and this morning as I attempted to get fired up to run/walk.

The negative thought demons were in my thoughts and emotions. They have names.
The first one to visit me was Anxiety. And he was in rare, powerful mode. From there
came Uncertainty and his buddy Doubt.  I wrestled, I prayed. I breathed and stretched. Finally I slept.

This morning Self Pity and Depression came calling.

I almost gave in and went back to bed.  Then I remembered my blog!  But how can I blog about my health regimen with such negative thoughts and feelings?  But then I had a thought.  Perhaps this is when I most need to blog.  To keep it real.  Just like when my life is at its darkest moments I need prayer. And when I am feeling fat, lazy and worthless I need to workout!

So I hit the trail.  Gray day. I usually love these days. But I was in a funk.  I turned on my radio. Nothing but talk and commercials and really lame songs. Grrr...

Finally I found a song on Classical 89.9 that stirred me.  "Magnificat" by Walter Lamb. The voices sung by the Choir of Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford.  I felt a breathe of life. Their voices were so pure and ethereal. Like angels.  And just then I hit the swamp area of the trail where all the red-winged blackbirds had been earlier this week.

And they were there again. Along with Canadian geese, ducks, and a bright yellow little bird. I tried to get pictures again to no avail.  But my spirits were soaring with these lovely creatures.

I jogged a bit. It didn't hurt as much today.

So I jog/walked from the head of the trail on SE 104th to SE 122nd and back. It was about a 2 mile loop.  But I mostly walked.  Still battled the negativity.

On the home stretch, I searched again for upbeat music and "Demons" by Imagine Dragons came on. One of my piano students introduced me to this song. Something kicked in. I ran hard for the whole song!!

My time was 45 minutes for 2 miles.

Demons take that!!!

Kicking it!

Happy Sunday! :)



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