It is 10:42 p.m. Saturday night. I just got home a few minutes ago.
I feel so good, I almost want to pinch myself!
It has been so long since I have felt so balanced, pain free, light and not bloated, that I almost don't know what to do with myself!
But I am going to be sensible. This blog, I shall write and then to bed I shall go!
I can attribute my new found well-being to several things, but let me start at the beginning of my day...
Today is Saturday, July 1, 2017. And Day 16 of daily hooping! I popped up and carried my hoop to the track next door. It was slightly overcast and cool this morning. The track was vacant, except for a woman and her dogs. They appeared to be just leaving as I arrived. I think my spot yesterday was not ideal for hooping. Yes, there was a post to set my phone on to record the video, but the ground was most uneven!
I chose a bench near the corner of the track. More visible, but I was alone for the moment. I had a good hoop workout, but rather short. This morning was breakfast with my mother day. My daughter and son-in-law were joining us.
Hooping: Day 16!
I had to hurry to catch my bus. I speed walked the 3/4 mile in about 15 minutes.
At breakfast, I ordered black coffee, 2 eggs (over-medium), hash browns and fruit. Honestly, I did not even miss the meat.
I told my daughter that I was cutting out meat. She suggested I just cut out red meat, specifically bacon, sausage and hamburger. I made a pouty face at that. Everyone laughed.
Anyone that knows me, knows about my cheeseburger obsession!
After breakfast, my mother and daughter came with me to the church where I teach on Saturdays. My son-in-law was going target practicing with friends, so I got a rare day with my daughter. My very pregnant daughter: She is 30 weeks!
I gave my mother, my daughter and my niece back to back piano lessons. It wasn't until later that I realized how blessed I am to be teaching three family members! I hope that I will soon be teaching four, including my granddaughter! :)
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My Daughter at the Piano (Posted with her permission!) |
It was the perfect day for my daughter to hang out with me. Most of my students had canceled due to the Fourth of July holiday coming up. I had several breaks, during which we went on walks, bought lunch at a food cart, and just hung out and talked.
I confided in her my frustration with my weight.
My daughter has always be super interested in health, nutrition and exercise.
I told her I needed a plan. We talked about my current eating habits, and both agreed I eat out too much, eat too much fried food and too much meat.
The new plan builds upon my "No wheat, no meat, no sweet!"
But it will be "No wheat, no RED meat, no sweet!" I can have an occasional steak, but no HAMBURGERS!! I will focus on veggies, fruit, lean protein (chicken, fish and legumes).
I shed a tear over giving up my beloved cheeseburgers. But what must be MUST be!
I sat down and wrote down an eating plan. By eliminating many of my lunches out, I will also save money.
But we built in a few meals out, because one must enjoy life!
For instance, I will continue to have breakfast out with my mom and various family members every Saturday morning. And Saturday being my longest teaching day, I will allow Saturday evening at Burgerville.
But no cheeseburgers. I was pleased to discover Burgerville makes a grilled chicken sandwich. I had it on a gluten free bun today.
Oh, and no more fries!
But let me tell you about the chicken sandwich. Most delicious!!
Anyway, to continue my eating plan:
I will also be allowed a lunch out on Sunday after church because I don't usually eat breakfast that day. But the rest of the week, I will make my lunch and dinner, which I will pack and eat at a park between students, or at the music center or church where I teach.
Weekday breakfasts will be instant gluten free oatmeal, grits or hardboiled eggs. And tea or coffee.
Lunch will be a plate of fruit, hummus, feta cheese and some veggies to dip in hummus. Maybe a few nuts, olives and pickles as needed.
Dinner will be a gluten free wrap or sandwich on gluten free bread or rice cakes. Filling will be turkey, or tuna or peanut butter.
I will also pack fruit, maybe some feta cheese, olives and pickles. And some hummus and veggies.
I am allowed one trip to Starbucks a day for my unsweetened passionfruit iced tea.
And a late snack (before 7 p.m.) of popcorn, or frozen yogurt.
And occasionally a glass of red wine (as needed).
Speaking of frozen yogurt...
After Burgerville, the plan was to go to the gym and have a nice workout and soak in the hot tub. I have been quite sore, so I REALLY needed the hot tub. But I also REALLY needed to work my arms.
But at Burgerville, I spent a little too much time watching an episode of "Homeland" on my Kindle. (Side note: I am trying to pack my bag lighter when I head out to teach. Instead of a pile of books, I am only bringing my Kindle)
So when it came time to go to the gym, it was getting close to 7:00 p.m. I was feeling panicky. Although the chicken sandwich was divine, I was still quite hungry!
And I was really craving frozen yogurt! I told myself I would take the MAX on stop down and catch the bus to the yogurt place. And have a SMALL scoop and top it with only fruit and nuts and just a WEE BIT of chocolate syrup.
I actually took the MAX to the bus stop. But the wait for the bus was 15 minutes. During the time I was waiting, I realized I was sabotaging myself. What good would it do to not eat a cheeseburger and fries, if I then went and had a yogurt sundae, even small? It was still SUGAR!!
So, sighing and scolding myself, I walked back to the MAX. It came like 2 minutes later, so I knew I was on the right "track" (pun intended).
I went to the gym and walked the treadmill for 20 minutes and then trained with weights for about 15 minutes. I even did some crunches.
Finally, I got into the hot tub. And I truly relaxed! Because I was not filled with the crushing guilt of a frozen yogurt sundae!
After a nice long, hot shower, I practically floated out of the gym.
My abs feel flatter than they have in many moons.
And I feel good.
And on that note, I am heading to bed.
Half a lovely evening. Happy Saturday!
Talk to you tomorrow...
Lots of love,
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