Dear Friends:
The smoke has cleared. And suddenly Fall!
My favorite time of year. The cooler weather, the changing colors and the hint of holidays before the weather turns.
However, here in the Pacific Northwest, one cannot predict how the weather will turn anymore.
Last week seems like a nebulous dream. I like that word. Nebulous.
And now that the smoke and fog has cleared, so has my mind.
If I ever forget again, please, dear readers remind me that daily exercise is vital for my sanity!
I have resumed my daily hooping, Qi Gong and walking. I plan on doing some weights at the gym 2 - 3 days a week.
Without exercise, I take on a nasty, negative attitude. I do not wish to subject my friends and family to that!
So exercise I must!
Here are my last two hooping videos.
I am back on track with my intermittent fasting again. I am eating within a 4 to 6 hour window and fasting between 18 and 20 hours a day. As usual, I need to tweek the quality of food I eat during my feeding time. More fresh veggies and fruit. And during my fasting time, more water. I have been having trouble sleeping again. I wake up every few hours feeling most dehydrated!
When the wildfire smoke made our air hazardous, I was using my CPAP again. I made sure the water resevoir was full. But the last few days I neglected to put it on before I fell asleep. I usually get deeper REMS with my CPAP, although I tend to tear it off in the middle of the night.
Today, I am feeling really grateful for the air we breathe. It seems to be filling me with hope and a renewed zest for life.
I am still longing to travel. But that will happen. My family needs me now. My son will be released from prison soon. The prisons are still on lockdown, but I get to talk on the phone with him daily and weekly video visits. My granddaughter still depends on my for childcare. My grandson, who I have not seen much since the pandemic is visiting with his mom and her mom (his Nana) today.
Although I still consider myself an introvert, the pandemic changed my mindset. I value my relationships more than before, even if I do need time to recharge my battery. It is easier to be an introvert during times of social distancing. But even introverts need peoole!
I am still missing my boyfriend, but I am starting to settle into this long term relationship. My mindset has shifting from pining and longing, to appreciating being loved and cherished, even when we are apart. I have even noticed that I can focus on other things besides him lately! I have a full load of piano students and the accompanying record keeping. And I am starting to actually play the piano again!
And I even got out my yarn and looms yesterday. I think I will start knitting again!
So nice to have my feet back on the ground. As for my longings, these are temporary situations. I will travel. I feel it in my bones. I will see my boyfriend again. And I actually look forward to our phone conversations and little emojis we send to each other randomly through the day.
I do believe I have a little spice in my life! And today at this moment, I feel complete.
This is a good place to end. I wish you great peace, joy with a little added spice!
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