Good Morning Friends:
I want to talk about overcoming obstacles today. Specifically obstacles that are nothing but excuses. Excuses that prevent me from achieving my fitness goals. Namely daily hooping.
I once worked with a pastor at a Lutheran church years ago who told me, "When the going gets tough, the tough lower their expectations ". I remember how annoyed I felt by this statement . I wish I could remember the context. But I do recall his facial expression as he scanned my face for a reaction.
This pastor and I had many run-ins. But I remember him fondly. He gave me much food for thought.
Yesterday I thought of him when I considered skipping my morning hooping. It was pouring down rain when I woke up. It would have been beyond lovely to dive back into bed and pull the covers over my head.
But then I would have been confronted by regret and crushing guilt. So I mentally thumbed my nose at my dear pastor friend, covered my cell phone in a plastic sandwich bag.
And I hooped in the rain! (Hence the blurry video)
It reminds me of Dr. Seuss: "Would you, could you, in the rain? Would you, could you, in the dark, on a train, in the park...?
I would! But I probably couldn't hoop on a train.
I must disagree with my pastor friend. Although I realize in some situations, his advice is sound. Like in quarantine during a pandemic, or when the air quality is hazardous due to wildfire. Things like that.
But when it comes to my daily exercise, I must rise and conquer! I've learned that I must expend energy to gain energy!
I'm on a roll now ! I do have to be mindful however. Last time I was on a roll I put my left sacroiliac joint out of whack!
Go forth and conquer, my friends!
Peace and love,
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