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Day 35: I have entered the world of ONEDERLAND! AND...

...I did a 4.28 mile walk! In the heat! On an empty stomach!

I am woman, hear me roar! :)

Last night was an exceptional evening. I had two recitals of students perform.  One group at 4:30 which consisted mostly of beginners and early intermediate students. Including my mother, who has been taking lessons from me for about 4 months and my 7 year old niece, who has been taking lessons on and off for a few years but has become more dedicated since her grandma practices with her!

The second group of students played at 6:00 p.m. These students were early intermediate through early advanced.  The last two students performing were a brother and sister who have studied with me for about 7 years.

I sit on stage with my beginning students to offer support.  As the advance, I usually am present to turn pages.  As I sat there, on stage with all of my students, I had little memory flashbacks of moments from their lessons.

I felt very peaceful and full of love for all of these students who are learning to communicate in another language. The language of music!

And I broke a pattern!  It took me 17 years to figure out, but progress is progress right?

Instead of giving in to temptation and partaking of all the cookies, crackers, cakes and assorted treats that families brought for the reception, I brought my own dinner to eat in between recitals. I also stopped at the store and picked up a bag of sugar snap peas and yogurt dip.

I ate my dinner, and snacked on veggies.  I did eat a couple of gluten free cookies that one of the moms makes with almond flour.  And a handful of lightly salted popcorn. And lots of water.

I went home feeling a lot of pride in my students and myself!  I did have a glass of apple juice mixed with water when I got home. But then I fasted until 12:30 today.  My breaking of the fast meal is pictured above: 1/2 steamed artichoke, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, yogurt dip with olives, and tabouli (made without any grains).

A little while later, I had a small piece of rye bread, a piece of turkey, small piece of cheese and a small slice of pineapple upside down cake with about 1/8 cup of lime yogurt.

And lots more water!

AND here are my STATS!


Stats, Monday, June 15, 2015

Weight:  199!!
Neck: 15"
Chest: 44"
Waist: 39"
Hips: 48"
Thighs: R; 23", L 22.5"
Biceps: 4: 15", L 14.5"

To compare, these are last Mondays' Stats:
Monday June 8, 2015 Stats
Weight: 203 lbs.
Neck: 15"
Chest: 45"
Hips: 47"
Thigh:  R 23", L 22.5
Biceps: R 14, L 13.5
Results:  Lost 4 pounds.  I love going to the trail so much now that we have summer weather, that I have not gone to the gym. But I need to hit the gym and do some crunches and weights since I've lost some fat.  My goal is strength and health, not skinny and flabby!  (Although I have a long way to go until someone might label me "skinny")
Today I decided to just walk. I was tired from my recital evening. Plus my Marine fitness book encourages days of rest to let the muscles build.  So instead of pushing more running steps, I walked a longer distance.  I went from SE 103rd and Foster on the Springwater Trail, out to SE 140th and back. My computer is begin slow today. I've been trying to put this into mapmyrun, but it is taking forever to load. I'm guessing I did 3.5 miles, but I will update later. I need to run to the store and do laundry before I lose my steam!

Happy Monday! :)

Breaking news!  I just put in my walk and it is 4.28 miles from home to SE 140th on the Springwater Trail and back! :)  No wonder I needed a nap!


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