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Day 37: Opening Doors!

 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Proverbs 17:22
Sweaty, but happy! :)
Had a late start this morning. But something I noticed right away is that there was no doubt in my mind that my priority was to get a run in!  I wasn't really hungry. I drank some water and had 1/2 grapefruit at 10 a.m.

I hit the trail at 12:37 p.m. I decided to do a long walk today.

And I did!

I did 4.53 miles! I made it all the way to Powell Butte which is off of SE 145th!

It took me exactly 2 hours.  About halfway through, I felt pretty good and decided to work on my running.

I ran 225 consecutive steps!! It made me smile. :)
Powell Butte entrance off of SE 145th on the Springwater Corrider Trail

Now, while I was walking, I received a call from the Community Music Center. I was informed that my piano blues camp that was scheduled to run all next week has been cancelled due to low enrollment.

I gulped back a feeling of panic. But then, I felt relief.  A whole week off!  I can run every day!

And I can plan my next concert!

I also have an application in for a church pianist job that I hope I will be interviewing for soon.

I think a lot on the trail. And I was reflecting on my life recently. I like having more time to think, to exercise, to be.  I don't know if I am ready to go back to a crazy, busy schedule. Like in the fall.  Maybe I shouldn't add too many new students. I really love the relationships I have built with my regular students.  Add too many, and I feel overwhelmed.

But a girl has to make a living! And I must admit here, that I have been worried about finances lately. Many of my students are taking time off from lessons this summer. 

Then it occurred to me, that if I improve my health, energy and endurance, I can better handle a busy schedule.  Life is indeed about balance.

But a girl does have to make  a living, right?

When I returned from my run, I made iced mochas with almond milk for my son, son-in-law and daughter.  Then I had a big bowl of chickpea curry with brown rice and kimchi.  I am quite full!

AND I had a wonderful surprise when I checked my email. One of my prior student's moms emailed me that the Montessori school her daughter attends is looking for a piano teacher! And coincidentally (or not), it is less than a mile from the church I am applying at. Both are just a few miles from where I live, and just a hop, skip and a jump from where I ended up on my walk today.

I feel God's presence in this.

So I applied for that job too.

Life is full of wonderful surprises!

And I want to share what I read in my Jesus Calling devotion for today:

"Learn to laugh at yourself more freely. Don't take yourself or your circumstances so seriously. Relax and know that I am God with you. When you desire My will above all else, life becomes much less threatening. Stop trying to monitor My responsibilities - things that are beyond your control. Find freedom by accepting the boundaries of your domain."  ~Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, by Sarah Young.

PS:  I find it helps to make a plan. Tomorrow, I will again hit the trail.  And then I plan on going to walk the labyrinth at the Grotto.  I will have a salad for lunch.  And I might be going country line dancing in the evening with my daughter and her friend. I also need to get a good piano practice session in for my upcoming concert in August.


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