Hi Friends: I just went back and read my posts from the beginning of this pandemic. The World Health Organization declared it a pandemic 20 days Our world has changed practically overnight. I found a timeline for the progression of the corona virus since it was discovered in Wuhan, China: It began on New Year's Day 2020: "Jan. 1 — Officials close the Huanan seafood market, suspected to be the source of the mystery disease, as some of the patients presenting with the pneumonia-like illness were dealers or vendors at the market." Then one week later: Jan. 7 — China identifies new coronavirus as cause of the outbreak. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause varying levels of disease, from common colds to severe fatal diseases. Usually found in animals, some can infect humans and transmit between humans. Both SARS and MERS are caused by a coronavirus." https://www.devex.com/news/covid-19-a-timeline-of-the-coronavirus-outbreak-96396 ...