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Year Four, Day 267: Pandemic Times, Day 16 - "Stay Home, Stay Safe", Day 4 - My Cave

Hello Friends!

Today is Friday, 3/27/2020. 12:40 p.m.

I'd like to start with today's stats again, as I did in yesterday's posts. 

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(3/27/2020, 12:23 p.m.)

Compared to.yesterday:

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(3/26/2020, 10 a.m.)

As you can see, global cases of covid-19 have increased by over 60,000 in about 26 hours. The death toll rose over 4,000 during this time period.

The United States holds the number one spot for the most cases, ahead of Italy and China.

Prince Charles and Boris Johnson both have tested positive for the virus and are in social isolation. I hope they hide the Queen!

As for me, I'm ok. I'm spending a lot of time in my cave, trying not to annoy my daughter and her husband. Quarantine can make one irritable! I actually love my basement room - when I finally get to sleep, I sleep deeply because it is so dark. Like a cave. I have my books, my piano, my hoop, my uke, and my tv with about 50 bus video cassettes I confiscated from my father's massive collection.

My bright spot, is my granddaughter, who always makes me smile. Every day she comes down to "Zma's room" (my cave in the basement) for a piano lesson. At 2 1/2, she is my youngest student!

I've developed a pandemic routine, so that I make good use of this time.

My schedule is something like this:

6 a.m. Wake up, drink water, check breaking news.
7:00 a.m. Consider getting out of bed
7:15 a.m. Restroom and dive back under covers for another hour or so
8:15 Get vertical. Make bed. Brush teeth. Qi Gong and hooping in my cave:

9:30 a.m. Tea. Clean kitchen. Make breakfast
10:30 Walk in park and video:
11:30 Read Bible, pray, call Mom
12:00 Lunch. I'm still trying to follow the monastery diet: 3 days a week vegetarian meals, 3 days a week moderate, 1 feast day. And intermittent fasting - no food after 5:00. Although truthfully I have been pushing it to 7:00. I've been quarantine binging. Sigh. Popcorn. Chocolate. Diet Coke. Probably why I am so irritable. Well, plus the confined to my cave most of the day!
1:00 practice
2:00-4:00 Skype piano students
4:00-5:30 Nap
5:30 Light supper
6:00 Piano lesson and playtime with granddaughter
7:30 Practice piano, read, journal, shower
9:30 T.V., check news, bed.

Speaking of schedule, I need to get some lunch before my phone chat with my counselor. Back soon.

2:55 p.m. I'm back! Had a nice, healthy lunch.
(Artichoke not pictured)

I just reread my daily routine.

Wow! How did I ever have a real job? That's a busy schedule! I think to get out of bed earlier.

Or forgo my nap.


 I just talked to a fellow myauc teacher - He said he is busier than ever with lesson plans, study, online lessons, etc.

What will we do when thus virus is finally contained?!

By the way, Dr. Oz just predicted another 8 weeks of social isolation. Hmmmm..

Also, I just checked the site. In 90 minutes, see how the numbers have jumped:

I need to sign off now. I could probably babble on and on, but I would drive you all crazy - now you can feel my daughter's pain.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Love, health and deep peace,



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