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Year Four, Day 255: Pandemic Times, Day 4- Belting Out Praise Songs!

Good morning, Friends!

It is a beautiful morning here in Vancouver, WA. Chilly, but sunny, clear blue skies. I went to church this morning with my daughter, granddaughter and soninlaw. It was one of the only churches here in town holding services allowing the public. Ours is a very small congregation; so we were not breaking the gathering of over 250 people law.

Still, I was a little nervous. But I am glad we went. First if all, it felt so good to get out of the house. I brought a big scarf to cover my nose and mouth and I jammed a handful of black surgical gloves in my coat pocket.

Our pastor had posted on the church Facebook page that we would be gathering, but not shaking hands or hugging.

It was a small group that gathered - maybe 30 people in all, discreetly sitting with several chairs between each person or family.

Entering the church, instead of being handed a bulletin by the greeter, we were confronted with a table adorned with tissue, hand sanitizer and bulletins neatly packed in a plastic dispenser.

I cannot put into words the surge of joy I felt in my soul being in church with my family, singing praise songs and hearing a comforting, but lively sermon from our preacher. Hard times can bring people closer together, at least in spirit and a feeling of shared suffering. I mostly waved a greeting to folks. I did one elbow bump with the pastor, who joked even those may be outlawed soon. He also acknowledged that he would comply with all government ordinances in order to contain the virus and keep people safe. We will probably close for at least a month.

 He will live stream his sermon.

I feel grateful for the life I have at this moment. And when the corona virus is defeated and memories of this pandemic are like mere vapors, I hope I can hang on to this gratitude and humbly live my life with the mindset that it can (and will) end at some point. But having faith in God really is what can help us through. On a side note, I am thankful that I am an unemployed church pianist at the moment. I was able to belt out praise songs with wild abandon! No worries about me playing too loud, too fast, too whatever. The band at our church is loud and vibrant!

Uh I type this, there is breaking news. New York has closed all its schools. Illinois and Ohio have ordered all bars and restaurants closed. I was wondering when it would come to that. Burgerville is only accepting drive through orders. I'm glad I went out for my feast day lunch today. I may not be able to go out next Sunday!

Feast day lunch. Chicken fried steak at Paul's Restaurant

Today's covid-19 stats are:

Cases: 166,492 worldwide
Deaths: 6,447 worldwide
With 118 out of 195 countries affected.

Compared to yesterday:
150,112 confirmed cases
 5,617 deaths 

I am using a new covid-19 tracker created by 17 year-old Abu Shiffman. You can read about him here:

I am now going to go home and clean, play my piano, read and hang out with granddaughter. And pray.

Happy Sunday!

Stay safe and 6 feet away from other people, wash your hands and don't hoard toilet paper! 😂




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