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Year Four, Day 266: Pandemic Times, Day 15- "Stay Home, Stay Safe", Day 3 - U.S. Takes the Lead

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(3/26/2020, 1:30 p.m.)

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(3/26/2020, 10 a.m.)

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(3/26/2020, 6 a.m.)

Hello Friends:

It is 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, 2020.
I am sharing the global pandemic stats today at three different times today:

6:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. As you can see, the virus is spreading, (at least as far as we can tell from those who have been tested) at an alarming rate. Of course, it has been pointed out by authorities, and others, that these figures reflect only those who have been tested. It is likely that the numbers are getting higher because more people have been tested as tests become more available. 

I am just a little skeptical about our government suggesting people go back to week right after the Easter weekend, which is just a few weeks away. Perhaps if our whole country was put on lockdown for two weeks and people actually obeyed the order, it would be safe.

But that's just my opinion. I'm no expert.

I am itching to go back to work, to the gym, to the library, to Starbucks...but that said, I think I will have a heightened awareness about germs, contagious diseases and sanitation for the rest of my life. As I cleaned the countertops in the kitchen this morning, it occurred to me that my grandmother kept an immaculate house. She raised 4 kids as a widow in the depression. She also raised chickens, gardened and baked homemade bread and kolaches (a Czechoslovakian pastry) every morning. It occurred to me that she lived through at least 1 pandemic and the depression. Perhaps that is why she was super clean. I will never look at a public bus, restroom or table in a restaurant the same! I may carry hand sanitizer with me for the rest of my days!

Oops...I have students in a few minutes. I'll check in later!

Later...4:00 p.m.

I must say, I am enjoying teaching piano via Skype from my basement room. My soninlaw looked at my set up and recommended a holder for my cell phone that I could move around to show my hands on the keyboard. I found one on Amazon. It just came yesterday, so I was able to try it out with my student today, who happens to be my niece.

I also borrowed one of my daughter's lamps. Success!

At the end of the lesson, I texted her a sticker and her assignment for the week. I don't know if my students are just bored without school, but it seems they are practicing more!

As for me, I am expanding my skills. I do not have copies of their music books, so I am relying on my memory and my ear. Sometimes if I get stuck, I have them hold their music books up to the camera.

Speaking of expanding my skills, I am trying to get at least an hour of piano practice in each day. I'm working through a jazz piano method book. Finally learning all my chords.

I'm also working on my playlist. I gave about 100 pieces I want to have memorized by the time this pandemic is a thing of the past!

However, I checked the stats again. The U.S. now has the most known cases in the world, even more than China.

I have nothing more to say. I am going to sign off and pray.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Be safe!




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