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Year Four, Day 257: Pandemic Times,, Day 6 - Hooping in My Basement

Tuesday, 3/17/2020
11:17 a.m.

Good morning!

I opened the blinds and peered outside just now. I was curious to see what the outside world looked like. The grass outside the kitchen window is brilliant green; rays of the sun glistening off the dew drops on the blades of grass. There is a circle of mud where the snowman a neighbor built melted a few days ago. But the snow seems to be in the distant past. Even though our one snow day was a mere 3 days ago.

The sky is solid blue. Not even a cloud that I can detect from my kitchen window. It is only 37 degrees currently, but the forecast calls for a high of 60 degrees Fahrenheit!

It feels like spring has arrived. Ironically most of us are confined to our homes. Our president yesterday discouraged us from gathering in groups of 10 or more people. Schools, restaurants, bars, gyms and hair salons are closed. Grocery stores are struggling to keep their shelves stocked. Here in Vancouver, Washington and across the river in Portland, Oregon; we are not ordered to quarantine in our homes, unless we are sick. But this morning, San Francisco went on lockdown. It is actually against the law for folks to leave their homes except for absolute essential business, like medical professionals going to work and walking their dogs.

Italy is on lockdown. The number of corona virus in their country is staggering. But what strikes me, from their videos on social media, is their joy and resilience even during time of pandemic. I couldn't sleep last night, so I calmed my soul by watching these beautiful people singing and playing musical instruments from their balconies. Their passion, joy and obvious will to survive moved to tears.

My mother stopped by this morning for a visit. We've warned her about leaving her home. My daughter and soninlaw delivered a box of groceries, soap and TP to my parent's home yesterday. So they have what they need. But I think her need for personal time away from home was worth the risk. She arrived bursting with good news. She discovered she could still get her morning cup of coffee at Starbucks in Fred Meyer's! She just had to drink it standing up. And she is such an early bird, that she was the first person in the store thus morning. Not only does the early bird catch the worm, but perhaps does not catch the corona virus. We hope.

I miss my daily time out alone too. But sacrifice I am! I am not only pushing 60, I struggle with allergies and asthma. I guess I'm in that vulnerable group.

Many restaurants in Washington and Oregon are remaining open, but only to take out orders. Fast food joints are keeping their drive through windows open. I wonder if they take "walk through" orders for those of us who are carless?

I probably won't find out first hand. I'm behaving myself and staying home. Our kitchen is well stocked. I've made myself useful by making chaffles for the freezer. And of course caring for my granddaughter. Her parents work in ministry. They have even more work than usual.

I might step outside today. I didn't go anywhere yesterday. I was surprised at how fast the time seemed to pass when 8 was doing nearly nothing compared to my usual routine.

I think a hooping session in the park is in on the agenda today. I don't know if my city will order a lockdown like San Francisco, but I figure I should venture out while it is still legal to do so. Keeping a distance of 6 feet and washing my hands for 29 seconds with soap and warm water, of course.

I have a telephone counseling session this afternoon. I am looking forward to hearing another person's voice.

As an introvert, I normally crave solitude. And I am actually doing well. But staying home is difficult. I enjoy being out amongst people, even if I am not interacting much. Just a smile, head nod, or a cheery "Hello" is usually enough social interaction for me. The occasional interesting conversation is simply icing on the cake.

I just peeked at the current covid-19 stats for today:

Covid-19 Stats 3/17/2020
Total Confirmed Cases 
Total Deceased
 141195 Total countries affected.

Compared to yesterday's stats:

Covid-19 Stats 3/16/2020
Total Confirmed Cases 
Total Deceased

 134195 Total countries affected.
I heard an interesting interview on NPR this morning regarding supply and demand. The US has plenty of grocery and paper goods. Especially US made products. The problem is stocking the stores. If you go to the stores and the shelves are bare, come back the next day after next truck arrives. No need to hoard! Here is an article relating to panic buying:

That's all for now. My granddaughter is taking her nap now. And so shall I! I'll check in later...

Later (7:27 p.m.)

I had such a wonderful nap. I wonder how I ever managed life before the pandemic of 2020?

I cleaned and organized my room after my nap. My daughter and her husband and daughter went hiking. I decided to take the trash out and see how I felt after a short walk to the dumpster. I am still a bit wheezy from my latest asthma episode. It felt good to be out in the fresh air, but there were a lot of folks milling about, mostly kids. My heart began to race at the thought of exposing my vulnerable lungs to all those germs, so I decided to try hooping in our basement today.

Man, it felt good to get a smidgen of movement in! My gym is closed. I've been cooped up inside for 2 whole days now.

I made a video - it's a small space, but I made it work. Only trouble is, YouTube doesn't have options for adding music anymore. Times are definitely changing. What is next? Sigh.

But we are still here. And we will get through this, one way or another!

After I cleaned and hooped, I played a little piano. After I post this blog, I'm going to test Skype on my daughter. I have two families interested in piano lessons via Skype.

I am starting to appreciate all this down time, but truthfully I am itching to work!

Talk to you tomorrow. I hope to rise with the sun and hoop in the park before too many germs, err I mean people come out.

Happy Tuesday!




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