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Year Four, Day 256: Pandemic Times,, Day 5 - Breaking Free!

Covid-19 current stats, 3/16/2020:
Total confirmed cases: 181,590
 Total deaths: 7,108
 Total countries affected: 134/195

Compared to yesterday:
Cases: 166,492 worldwide
Deaths: 6,447 worldwide
Total countries affected: 118/195

The governor of Washington announced last night that effective today, all restaurants and bars in Washington would be closed to the public. They could remain open to fill take out orders, but no public seating in the dining room.

I felt like I was punched in the gut, but I was halfway expecting it. I was feeling rather guilty eating my feast day meal in restaurant yesterday.

Restaurants have been my private retreat for ages. I love to find a "regular" joint where I can stop and have  bite, preferably as inexpensive, and healthy as possible. But more important than that is the space: a moment in my day to pause, reflect, pray, read, visit with the server. It is often the highlight of my day! I  established a routine of various restaurant spots I visit during the week, depending on where I am working.

And in an instant, that option is gone!

And now the gyms have closed. My routine, destroyed in less than a week! 

I thought about going to the grocery store. We don't really need anything, but I am feeling cabin fever coming on.

But it is cold outside. And President Trump is telling us to stay home, and avoid gatherings of more than 10 people.

I might still take a walk. But I need a nap. I do work from home I babysit my 2 and a half year old granddaughter ever weekday morning for about 4 hours a day and a few hours on the weekend. She is the light of my life, but has boundless energy. I do not. So if there is one thing I am grateful for durimg this pandemic, it is daily naps!

So first a nap and then a walk in the park. I may bring my hoop. 

Tomorrow I have a counseling appointment. We are doing it via phone
 I must admit, I am looking forward to it more than ever. Another live person to talk to!

I had an appointment for a mammogram later this week. When I called to reschedule, the scheduler told me it was a good idea not to come in for the next few weeks unless I had noticed an abnormality. (I hadn't). She told me they were only allowed to have one person in the clinic at a time and we could not bring anyone in with us.

She and I commiserated for several minutes before she gave me a new time - at the end of April.

Will we be virus free by then? Will I be able to go to the gym, the library, church, a restaurant, a doctor's appointment, work?

I am going to look into teaching piano lessons via Skype after my nap and walk. I am also going to work on my playlist. I have written down about 100 of my favorite hymns, praise songs, classical pieces, and 70's songs that I can play by ear and memory. It is so freeing to play without sheet music! I am a good sight reader, so have relied on rotated music to the point of it becoming a crutch. Finally I am breaking free! I am also going to dust off this ukulele and didgeridoo.

My granddaughter picked up a harmonica today I had given her about a year ago. She said, "Zma how do I do this?" 

I told her to blow. I demonstrated a few notes. She grabbed it and is belting out rich tones while dancing around the room to "Frozen II"

I could possibly get used to social isolation. As long as I have my family, some food, books and musical instruments.

And of course, the internet. I don't feel completely isolated when I have social media to keep up with my friends and this blog to  communicate with you all.

On that note, I wish you a happy, healthy, Monday in your own socially isolated part of the world

Talk to you tomorrow!




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