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Year Four, Day 258: Pandemic Times, Day 7- Hooping in the Park

Hello Friends:

It is 9:45 on Wednesday, 3/18/2020. The 7th day since the covid-19 virus was declared a pandemic.

I have been trying to behave myself. I only left the house twice today. The first time at 8:00. I grabbed my weighted hoop and walk across the street to the park. I was relieved but slightly freaked out to not encounter another since person. I had a lovely hoop workout. Another beautiful, warm day. The air smelled fresh and slightly sweet. Aside from the fact that I was the only solitary figure in what is usually a park brimming with people (the absence of kids with backpacks walking to school was eerie), it felt like a normal, spring day. After my hooping session, I walked briskly home. I washed my hands with warm, soapy water and then opened the blinds in the kitchen, pondering what I should make my granddaughter for breakfast. My daughter and her husband are not working outside the home for the next 4 weeks, aside from their outdoor photo shoots. They all seemed to be sleeping in. The apartment was eerily still. Like the park.

I was about to check breaking news, when my phone rang, making me jump. Honey Dog lifted her head and looked at questioningly.  I patted her on her white head while I answered my phone. It was my mom. She was distraught. She told me she was not leaving her house again until thus was all over.

I told her that was wise and asked if she and my dad were ok. She said they were fine, but she got scolded at Fred Meyer.

Apparently she went to Starbucks again earlier and to buy my granddaughter a present. The cashier recognized her and remembered she had been in the day before.

"You should not be here", she told my mom. I imagined my mom startled just like I did a few minutes earlier. We are all quite jumpy in these pandemic times.

The cashier proceeded to lecture her about the risk my mom was taking by being out. Risking infection for her and her husband, who depended on her.

"Go straight home", the cashier said in a gentler tone. "Have your children do your shopping. I do not want to see you in the store until the crisis has passed".

I was overwhelmed with compassion for my mom, but filled with gratitude for this cashier. I asked my mom what they needed for the next month, in case we were locked down. My daughter and soninlaw would shop for them before their photo shoot.

I hung up and breathed a sigh of relief. Then my phone rang again. My brother, who works at the VA Medical Center. He sounded distraught. He said they have set up a tent to triage patients in the lobby. He told me was horrified to see how many people on the streets of Portland that were just going about "business as usual".

"This is a grim situation. Tell our mother she must not leave the house!"

I told him the Fred Meyer story. He chuckled. But he warned me to be very cautious. He said the situation would get much worse before it started to improve.

"They are building a 250 bed emergency hospital in Salem", he said.

I told him I was doing piano lessons via Skype. He thinks it's a great idea. He signed his daughter up.

After we hung up I found an article about the emergency hospital. Apparently the Oregon National Guard is setting up an emergency, 250 bed site in a building on the Oregon State Fairgrounds:

Later, My son called. He asked me if I had heard about martial law being enforced. It's what the inmates were worrying about. I told him not to worry, but keep informed. Watch the news and remain calm. He said he felt good. He sounded good. My son is a lot like me. He worries a lot. Often unnecessarily. But this is real, and I think, even though we are concerned, we are on heightened alert. More adrenaline and at last, something real to be concerned with!

The latest is that Portland will go on lockdown. And that landlords will not be able to evict tenants who are unable to pay rent. Also, their is talk about a "economic stimulus proposal" for every single American. We would each receive a $1,000 check to help us survive for the next month or so.

In the meantime, we have stocked up on enough food and supplies to get us through the next 4 weeks or more. And I had mynfurst Skype piano student tonight. It went better than I expected. Good, clear sound and picture. A lot of fun!

Oh, and I had a phone counseling appointment. My counselor seemed to need to talk more than I. He is working from homeland the solitude is getting the best of him. We shared info and thoughts. He said for the time being, no appointment necessary. I could call anytime I needed to talk! I like that!

My second was when my soninlaw drove me to the bank. I was so worried about Lisa of work and income when I learned the music center was closing. Ironically, they had made an error on last check and shorted me some hours. I didn't expect to see the replacement check until next week, but it came today! I wanted to take out to the bus and hightail it to my bank, but my daughter and soninlaw sternly reprimanded me (now I know how my mom felt!). I sheepishly accepted the ride. The streets of Vancouver were not quite empty. But much less traffic than usual.

For now, I am feeling positive, strong and hopeful. Let's see what tomorrow holds...

I will leave you with today's stats.

Happy Wednesday! Stay home! Stay calm! Be informed! Wash your hands!



Covid-19 Stats 3/18/2020
Total Confirmed Cases 
Total Deceased
 150195 Total countries affected.

Compared to yesterday's stats:

Covid-19 Stats 3/17/2020
Total Confirmed Cases 
Total Deceased
 141195 Total countries affected.


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