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Year Four, Day 264: Pandemic Times, Day 13- "Stay Home, Stay Safe" Proclamation, Day 1

Today's Stats

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(7:00 p.m., 03/24/2020)

Compared to yesterday:
Total Confirmed Cases
(03/23/2020, 8:00 p.m.)

Good evening, Friends!
Today is my 13th day of social isolation. Yesterday Governor Jay Islee issued a "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Proclamation. I must say, I welcome this, although I am getting cabin fever, big time!

I am hoping with the stricter laws in many states, perhaps people will take this virus seriously, stay home and slow the slow the spread. At least until they perfect a vaccine or we develop herd immunity. Or both.

I was sad to give up the highlight of my day - hooping in the park in the morning.

I considered carrying on as usual, but my conscience stopped me. I should not be looking for loopholes! I should walk my talk, do my part to help conquer this virus by obeying the proclamation given by the governor of my state, which states, in part:

 "All people in Washington State shall immediately cease leaving their home or place 
of residence except: (1) to conduct or participate in essential activities, and/or (2) for 
employment in essential business services. This prohibition shall remain in effect until 
midnight on April 6, 2020, unless extended beyond that date.
To implement this mandate, I hereby order that all people in Washington State are 
immediately prohibited from leaving their home or place of residence except to conduct or 
participate in (1) essential activities, and/or (2) employment in providing essential 
business services:
a. Essential activities permitted under this Proclamation are limited to the 
1) Obtaining necessary supplies and services for family or household members 
and pets, such as groceries, food and supplies for household consumption and 
use, supplies and equipment needed to work from home, and products 
necessary to maintain safety, sanitation and essential maintenance of the home 
or residence.
2) Engaging in activities essential for the health and safety of family, 
household members and pets, including things such as seeking medical or 
behavioral health or emergency services and obtaining medical supplies or 
3) Caring for a family member, friend, or pet in another household or residence, 
and to transport a family member, friend or their pet for essential health and 
safety activities, and to obtain necessary supplies and services.
4) Engaging in outdoor exercise activities, such as walking, hiking, running or 
biking, but only if appropriate social distancing practices are used.
b. Employment in essential business services means an essential employee 
performing work for an essential business as identified in the “Essential Critical 
Infrastructure Workers” list, or carrying out minimum basic operations (as defined 
in Section 3(d) of this Order) for a non-essential business.
c. This prohibition shall not apply to individuals whose homes or residences are 
unsafe or become unsafe, such as victims of domestic violence. These individuals 
are permitted and urged to leave their homes or residences and stay at a safe 
alternate location.
d. This prohibition also shall not apply to individuals experiencing homelessness, 
but they are urged to obtain shelter, and governmental and other entities are 
strongly encouraged to make such shelter available as soon as possible and to the 
maximum extent practicable."

I am glad I followed my conscience. I took a walk through the park (for now, outside exercise is allowed). And I took a video of my experience. A little boring, but I wanted to document this day. 

I will continue hooping, but in my basement until the proclamation is lifted.

Which may be sooner than we originally thought. President Trump held a press conference today in which he suggested businesses would start getting back to normal after the Easter weekend. Apparently he and other government leaders think our economy will not outlast this virus.

Take Republican Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick: 
"Patrick went on to suggest on the show that there were lots of grandparents like him and that he doesn't “want the whole country to be sacrificed.” His remarks were met with a swift backlash on social media."

Wow. I try not to be personally offended by what I read on the internet. But this made my blood boil. I may be a grandma, a senior citizen who is vulnerable with my asthmatic condition. But I have a lot of life left. I am not willing to sacrifice my life because younger adults are not willing to given up their lifestyles. I am not a fraud if death. But I am not ready to meet Jesus just yet. If He says it's my time, I will take my last breath with a sigh and look forward to His loving embrace and an eternity of His Love. But if it's not my time, eternity can wait.

And who on this earth can determine which lives are more worthy? I believe we are all children of God. And our Heavenly Father loves all His children!

I'm a little fired up. I need to close, say my prayers and relax. Read. Pray. Play the piano. Watch a few episodes of "Criminal Minds".  Don't judge me! That's how I relax!

I hope you are having a relaxing evening.

Talk to you tomorrow!




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