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Year Four, Day 260: Pandemic Times, Day 9 - "Potty, Potty, Potty!"

I am tired today. I am attempting to put myself on a fairly structured shelter in place during pandemic times schedule. It helps. I started out well this morning. Had a lovely hooping session in a nearly secluded city park. This morning exercise is keeping me sane and hopefully healthy enough to fight the coronavirus, should it come knocking.

Afterwards, I marched my hoop home and walked the dog, cleaned the kitchen and cooked breakfast for my granddaughter and I.

On a side note, she is essentially potty trained. That is one thing I have to thank the coronavirus for! With all three of us adults nearby practically 24/7 for the past week, potty training was a success! I even made up a new song called "The Potty Dance". It's hilarious and no, I won't be posting us singing and dancing, "Potty, potty, potty!" Lol

I had another Skype student this afternoon. It went even better than yesterday. I need to adjust the lighting in my room, but he said it was fun. This from a 4th grader!

I am having to challenge myself. I don't have his music book here at home, and its difficult to see on the screen, so I. Teachingnby ear and memory: my weak spots as a musician that I have been working on!

So I guess I have two things to thank the coronavirus for, and both have to do with more time: more time to potty train my granddaughter and more time time work on challenging myself and refining my.musical skills.

But as I type, my heart is heavy. My boss from the music center where I teach piano and accompany a choir called earlier. All of the teachers are being laid off. I was moved that he personally called all of us to break the news. So starting April 2nd, I am officially unemployed. I have never been laid off. In fact, I have been working steadily since my first job in a movie theater when I was 15.

I have been teaching at the music center for about 22 years. He gave me the link to apply for unemployment. He said they would be meeting again on 4/28 to discuss opening again, but I have a feeling I am going to be unemployed for longer than a month. Much longer.  We are on spring break for one more week, so I am out of work now.

Thankfully I can teach via Skype. And hopefully I will qualify for unemployment. And there is much talk about stimulus checks...

However, as I type this, there is breaking news. Oregon is going on lockdown Monday, or as Governor Kate Brown puts it, "Stay home, stay healthy". Honestly, I think.the whole country should shelter in place so we can aggressively kick some coronivavirus a*s!

I am tired and cranky. And a little sad. So to bed I go. Tomorrow is a new day.

We will survive!

Here are today's stats:

Covid-19 Stats 3/20/2020
Total Confirmed Cases 
Total Deceased
 172195 Total countries affected.

As compared to yesterday:

Covid-19 Stats 3/19/2020
Total Confirmed Cases 
Total Deceased
 170195 Total countries affected

Lord have mercy.

Talk to you tomorrow. Stay home, stay safe!



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