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Year Four, Day 262: Pandemic Times, Day 11- Weariness of Soul

I am exhausted. It doesn't help that I wake up in the wee hours of the morning to use the bathroom (lol maybe that's where the expression "wee" hours comes from!)

But this is more than lack of sleep. My soul is weary.

I was at first on heightened akert when this virus touched down. I found it fascinating; not only the virus itself, but having read The Plague by Camus, I found myself particularly interested in observing how people reacted socially. Of course, I also welcome the chance to add the victims to my prayers. I tell people I stay informed so that I always have plenty to pray about!

Right now I feel like I'd like to.curl up in a ball and sleep for a very long time.

So I'll keep this short. Hopefully I will sleep through the night and wake up refreshed qnready to rumble!

The numbers are still climbing and some people are behaving badly. My stepdaughter, who lives in Tillamook andvcares for the elderly posted a passionate plea early this morning on Facebook. She was heading to work in the wee hours of the morning (I do seem to like that expression!). She noticed since the shelter in place suggestion by Governor Brown that the locals were staying home. But she was horrified to see a steady stream if cars, many with out of state licenses starring into the town, heading to the beaches.

I've been reading about college students on spring break flocking to Florida beaches, disregarding the social distancing recommendations. 

I figured this must be the spring break crowd heading to the coast. Many do this every year. But it bothered me too. Here I was confined to my home for almost weeks. And people were frolicking on the beach. I call "foul"!

I commented on my stepdaughter's post, telling her that was wrong. She told me coastal communities didn't have the resources for a coronavirus outbreak. She shared a video made by the mayor of Tillamook, who essentially told all the tourists to "pack their bags"!.

A few hours later I read that the city of Mazanita and Warrenton had ordered all nom residents to leave.

I completely understand, but am truly amazed at how much has changed in our world in the last few weeks.

I just wonder if we will be permanently scarred.

Tonight my soul feels raw. I need to watch a funny movie, read and go to sleep.

I wonder if being confined to home for 24 hours is bringing me down. I did not get any fresh air today. I did a short Qi Gong and hooping session in my room, made bean soup, taught a family of four pianon lessona via Skype, visited with my son via video from his prison and babysat my grandaughter.I need to do some self care. Starting with early bed time tonight!

Here are current stats, showing the So read in one day:

Total Confirmed Cases
Total Deceased
(3/22/20: 3:15 a.m.)

Total Confirmed Cases
(3/22/20: 8 a.m.)

Total Confirmed Cases

Total Deceased

(3/22/2020 8:50 p.m)


Be safe at home!

Wash your hands, and wipe down surfaces. New findings arevsayimg the virus can survive in the air and on surfaces:
A recent study found that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. The researchers also found that this virus can hang out as droplets in the air for up to three hours before they fall. But most often they will fall more quickly."

Talk to you tomorrow!




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