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Year Two, Day 333: Love Changed Everything

 2:15 p.m.

Today started out very nicely, thank you.
I stepped on the scale and I am down a few pounds.  I have been weighing myself daily lately.  And using the "Weightcommander" site to graph my progress.

Progress! I feel hopeful!

My energy is still high.  I got on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes.  My cough is almost gone.  I had planned on getting up early this morning for a nice workout before my church secretary job, but it felt so good to just lie in bed, play Words with Friends and check email.

I gave myself permission. To enjoy life without much guilt.

But I talked to my housemate about weight loss this morning.  She had great success with her weight loss after limiting dairy and doing low intensity exercise for an hour at a time.

I probably need to cut back on the cheese.  But more importantly, I really need to get back to my long exercise sessions. Like when I first started this blog and was going on daily walks on the trail.

Ironically, I am not too far from the Springwater Trail now. A different section, but I could get back on it! It would take a bit more planning because in my previous home, it was just a 5 minute walk to the trail head. Here, it would be more like 1/2 hour when the bus doesn't run. Otherwise, I could take the bus down to the trail.

I am going to work on that.

But for now, getting up earlier is still a goal.

My family member in crisis called. He sounds better. Prayer works.  Nagging not so much.

I am meeting my niece, great niece and nephew PHO lunch today.  Looking forward to it. The older I get, the more I appreciate my family.

I have so many more thoughts, but I need to head out. My new favorite bus driver is due in a few minutes.

I'll check in tonight after I get done teaching.

Until later...


9:21 p.m.

I had a very good day!  I am still feeling high energy, but my doctor is tapering me off of Prednisone, so I don't feel quite so hyper today. 

I feel clear. It's a great feeling.

Walking home tonight, there was a slight breeze, but it was not raining.  The air held a hint of warmer spring weather to come. I tuned my little radio to K-Love, turned on my flashlights, and enjoyed quite a pleasant walk home. 

The moon was my companion. Full, and slightly amber in color. I stopped a couple of times to try and capture it on my phone camera.

It was much better in person.

But so bright, I almost didn't need my flashlight! 

 I had so many pleasant people encounters today.  My heart feels warm just recalling my day.

Ok, my cheeks feel warm too. I am blushing.

I caught my usual Monday bus in front of the church.  My new favorite driver opened the door and greeted me.

I smiled and said hello and took my seat. There were a couple of passengers still boarding.  I got out my radio and glanced up. 

And our eyes locked. He was staring at me in his rear view mirror.  I am sure I blushed. But I just smiled and went about my business untangling my headphones.

When I reached my destination I walked to the front of the bus. The bus driver said, "I hope you have a wonderful day. Look, I'm even opening the door for you!"

I laughed and said, "What a gentleman!"

He commented that he lived in my neighborhood and had seen me walking. "I hope you don't have to walk too far home", he said.

"Nope!", said I. "I have a job at the little church. And I live in the "parsonage". I have a 2 minute walk in the morning. I love it!"

I smiled cheerily and waved.  He smiled and waved back.

It was a very nice encounter. 

Earlier,  I was waiting for my new favorite bus driver,  my family member in crisis had called. He sounded better than this weekend.  I told him I was meeting my niece, grand niece and nephew PHO lunch and asked if he wanted to join us.  Unfortunately he had to go to work.

But he was near my second bus stop and wanted to pick me up and drive me to my destination. He needed to borrow gas money too.

We had a nice talk. I did not nag. I told him I missed him. I had packed him a little care package for work. Some vitamin c, a granola bar, an AA booklet, a devotional booklet, cough drops and Zyrtec. (Allergies run in our family.)

At the Pho Restaurant, I arrived early.  The servers ask me if my daughter or son was joining me. I said, "No, today I am bring more family. My niece, grand niece, and nephew!"

This was my grand niece's pho initiation. She is only two, but she showed big appreciation for pho!  She loved the rice noodles. But she especially seem to enjoy the raw bean sprouts. She happily grabbed then in her hands and ate them like candy!

It brought a tear to my eye.  Her mom was the same age when I first took her and her brother with my kids out to Pho. I used to babysit them when they were 2 and 4 years old. I would put a pile of sprouts on her high chair tray, and my niece would grab handfuls and chomp away merrily.

My nephew suprised me and ate an entire bowl of pho his first time!

We had a lovely, relaxed, happy lunch.  My heart is full of love. I noticed that by filling my thoughts with gratitude, listening to Christian music, reading the bible and uplifting books, the darkness in my life seems to have cleared out. Just like my sinuses!

I usually choose a fruit of the spirit (from Galatians 5:22-23) to focus on in the morning. I write it in my prayer journal.  But this morning I did not. For the first time that I remember, I spoke with an open, grateful heart in my journal. I did not beg or plead, or use trite words. I just thanked God for being wonderful, and for being present in my life.

Now as I look back on my day, the fruit of the spirit most present was love.

I choose love.

Like the sign for our church this weeks says:

"Love changed everything!"

Talk to you tomorrow.

Happy Monday!




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