I am woman, hear me roar!
Most happy am I. I figured out how to get my laptop typing in English characters again. Busted that Greek computer ghost!
I just logged out of Ubuntu and logged back in. But I was a smart cookie! First I posted on Facebook (For my eyes only) the password to my Ubuntu system via my Android phone. Just in case it asked my password and my keyboard was still typing Greek!
It worked!
Here I am. Typing merrily away in my native tongue. Aw, it is the little things in life. Especially when there are bumps in the road that you figure out how to remove all by yourself!
Today was a good day. First I met my mom, daughter (With my grandbaby girl in her belly!) and son-in-law for breakfast. Then I taught my mom her piano lesson. She is one of my best students - practices diligently! She can also be one of my most ornery students. She HATES scales! I explained that they are the building blocks of music. That they help strengthen the hands and establish independent finger movement. And help us to recognize patterns in our music. She just rolled her eyes. I laughed. It is really a blessing to be able to teach my mother, I tell myself when she tries my patience. I bid her goodbye and then did a happy dance.
Not because she was leaving, but because I had some alone time. A whole hour and a half alone with a grand piano. Time alone with a piano is very precious to me these days. I got some good practice in before my cellist friend picked me up. My friends of Portland Chamber Group had asked me to play with them for a concert at the Q Center. There is a group that meets there regularly. They have amazing potlucks! And we were their entertainment.
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Portland Chamber Music performing at the Q Center. You can see the back of my head on the left. |
It was easy to convince me to play with them today. POTLUCK! And good friends, playing good music.
Something magical usually happens when I perform these days. Gone is the paralyzing stage fright from my youth. I just take a deep breath, allowing myself to be totally in the moment. Then I engage all my senses, particularly my sense of hearing. And I ride the wave of the music. Quite a lot like a surfer!
Today was no exception. I have played with most of the members of this group before. It was like we were just sitting around having a conversation with our instruments.
The audience was most appreciative. And the food did not disappoint!
As we were leaving, we received many, many compliments from the audience. I complimented them right back saying, "We only play as good as our audience!"
They liked that. A very positive experience. I found myself wishing I was performing more. But I know that my life is not balanced enough right now to find enough time for disciplined practice. I never want to feel that making music is a chore. It diminishes the magic.
So I relish these infrequent performance opportunities when they arise.
After the concert, my cellist friend drove me to the gym. I didn't want to take a chance on changing my mind. So I went straight from performance, to "Crunch", changed into my workout clothes and got a nice half hour workout in.
I keep thinking about my revelation the other day. How I was so saddened by the empty tomb. How I wanted to grab Jesus by the ankles and not let go. Keep him here on earth.
Today, I am focusing on the fruit of the spirit, "joy". And I am really feeling it. I ran into my son-in-law, quite by accident in my neighborhood yesterday. He invited me to breakfast. And we had a wonderful conversation about the Holy Spirit.
Jesus tells His disciples, that he must leave them and go to be with the Father. He said that if he did not leave, the "Helper" (The Holy Spirit) could not come.
(John 16:7: "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you." New American Standard Bible)
And they needed the Holy Spirit. With His help, the disciples spread the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world. It was the beginning of the Christian Church.
So my faith has increased. I can let go of Jesus' hand. I am ready to look forward.
Coincidentally I had a bit of a confrontation with my son the other night. I told him that it is time our relationship changed a bit. I asked if he would call and check in with me a few days a week. Tell me about his life, his goals. Good things that he was doing. He could tell me anything really, but not just call when he needed something from me.
In return, I would refrain from nagging him and telling him how to run his life.
It is quite scary. It is like the mama bird tossing her babies out of the nest and hoping they will spread their wings and fly. Only he is not a baby bird. He is nearly 25 years old.
I feel like he needs more time in the nest, but at this point, for both our sakes, I need to let go. I can do this -after all I busted a Greek ghost and kicked some butt on stage and in the gym today!
Happy Saturday!
καλή μέρα να έχεις!
(Have a good day!)
Peace and Love,
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