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Showing posts from 2023

Year Four, Day 328: Success at Last!! This is What I Do

Hello My Long Lost Friends! Or, perhaps it was I who was lost? And now I think I am beginning to find myself!  Under layers of fat, and self loathing!  How's that for an opening line!  Or perhaps the title of a novel:  Layers of Fat and Self-Loathing! Today I stepped on the scale.  I am weighing myself every morning these days. I was shocked! I told my partner the scale must be broken!  Yesterday I weight 186. Today 185! I have been on a strict intermittent fast for the past 10 weeks. I have officially lost 12 pounds!  And the best news is I think I not only can stick to this way of eating, I am actually beginning to really enjoy it!  And look how far I've come! I've been writing since May 12, 2015.  Over 8 years now!  I know this blog post says Year Four, Day 328, but there have been many pauses in blogging. For instance, when I am not pleased with progress or simply have no words! I was 53 when I first began blogging. I am now 61. I honestly feel better than I did 8 years

Year Four, Day 327: I am the Warrior

 Dear Friends: I apologize for my long absence. Frankly, I have had not much to say. And I have been a little frustrated and ashamed of my losing my battle of the bulge. I've been continuing to exercise, but it has been said you can't outrun a poor diet!  But now that spring is here (at least that's what the calendar says!  I have heard rumors of snow mixed with rain this weekend - the last weekend in March!), I am feeling a nudge towards rejuvenation! My daughter and 3 of my granddaughters have been meeting my mom for breakfast in Vancouver every week since my father passed away in December.  It is such a delight to have this regular family time.  After breakfast, I walked up to the Vancouver Public Library. One of my favorite libraries. I used to spend a lot of time here when I lived in Vancouver. Me at my favorite library! :) Embarrassingly enough, my weight had crept up close to the big 200, closer than I would like to admit.  I have been self soothing with food lately.

Year Four, Day 326: On the Concept of Time and the Passing of My Father

Hello My Long Lost Friends! Where does the time go?  My original goal for this blog, was to post daily about my commitment to self-improvement.  It has been roughly 4 months since my last post!  Ah, but so much life has happened in these last 4 months! OK, I must admit I just disappeared from my blog for 20 minutes googling "What is Time?" I have often pondered the concept of time. I found some fascinating reading material.  You should try it sometime!   Most articles on the subject of time, defined it as such: "Physicists define time as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. Basically, if a system is unchanging, it is timeless. Time can be considered to be the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. It is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage." ( From the article, "What is Time? A Simple Explanation" from the website "ThoughtCo"_ https:/