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Showing posts from May, 2022

Year Four, Day 322: Little Old Lady in the Hood, Part II

 Hello Again Friends! What a beautiful morning, on this last day of May, 2022! It happens to also be my man's birthday!  I feel positive energy in the air.  Perhaps it is the sun's warm rays warming my little herb garden on my front patio.  I was overjoyed this morning as I opened the curtains and the windows to let in some fresh air. I peered out at my neighbor's cheerful red rose, and I spotted new sprouts in my herb garden!  I potted them a few weeks ago and do a happy dance every time I see a little sprout poke his nose out. At this point, my thyme, dill and cilantro has sprouted. I was worried with all the rain that they might not come up. There is not enough sun on my windowsill, so I put them outside.  I am thrilled to see they have survived, even a few of them! I started my morning with a strawberry/mango/pineapple/coconut milk with flax seed and collagen smoothie. Then I did my morning Qi Gong and a bit of hooping.  I have to admit I slept in, since tonight is my l

Year Four, Day 321: Little Old Lady in the Hood

 Hello Friends! I am finally sitting down to post on my blog after a bit of an absence. I am having a real, live, actual day off today! Today is Memorial Day. I purposefully did not plan anything for today.  I was feeling overwhelmed with my schedule and expectations that I put upon myself.  I am at the tail end of recital season - which I LOVE - but I put my whole self into. This year I held 4 in person piano student recitals, and one virtual recital. They were all glorious!  But after performance I have a bit of the blues.  Which is probably mostly related to exhaustion, but partially coming back down to earth.   Right now, I just need to slow down and breathe, be in the present and reconnect with my peaceful center.  I am sitting at my little table in front of the window. I have the curtains and the windows open. Aside from the fact that this is known as "not the best neighborhood", I find it very peaceful to have the breeze flowing.  The neighbors to the south of my apart

Year Four, Day 320: My Father

 Hi Friends! Today was Day 58 at the gym!  Almost 58 consecutive days, with a few days off for rest and recovery. I am ready to start working harder!  I am feeling much better than I was a few weeks ago, when I felt that just getting through my daily life was a chore.   My asthma is still giving me grief, but has improved. I was able to renew my steroid inhaler which I am going to pick up tomorrow. My eating habits still need tweaking, as usual. But I am proud to announce that I have not eaten any cheese balls since the cheese ball incident! I have not weighed myself recently, a little nervous about that.  I am working on getting back to intermittent fasting, but have eased my eating window. I now eat between 10 am and 8 pm most days. I am again focusing on whole foods, especially vegetables. I begin each day with a smoothie which includes some kind of frozen fruit, flax seed meal, collagen, and nondairy milk. I feel like I glowing from inside! My breakfast this morning: Homemade veggi

Year Four, Day 319: Johnny Depp and The Cheese Ball Incident

 Dear Friends: It's been awhile! But I am back. Wiping away tears, but I am here.  I had a hard time leaving my living room today. Amber Heard finally took the stand to give her testimony.  It moved me. Even though I have been "Team Johnny" from the beginning of their trial.  I am a little bit embarrassed to admit how fascinated I am with this whole case. And how much I have learned about myself, especially relating to interpersonal relationships, mostly of the romantic kind. But there it is. I'm hooked.  I have adored Johnny Depp, or perhaps I should say I am a big fan of his public persona.  I recognize him as a very talented actor, intelligent, and a bit of a bad boy.   His "performance" in court has seemed to reflect who I believe he is. I did not want to believe he was abusive.  Yet he was obviously entrenched in substance abuse.  I shuddered a bit when his team painted the picture of Amber, his ex-wife as a woman with histrionic, borderline personality