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Year Four, Day 335: "Crisis Fatigue"

Hello Friends!

I have missed you! I have been so utterly exhausted and downright depressed, that I couldn't summon enough energy to even lift my fingers to this computer keyboard to write.  Apparently there is a mental disorder for people going through crises.  Crises such as pandemics, systemic racism, political division, unemployment, police brutality, civil unrest....

It's called "crisis fatigue". When humans are presented with a threat, adrenaline is released to give us quick energy. This is called the "fight or flight syndrome". But when threats are overwhelming, and perceivably continuous, like this year, it overwhelms the system. People can feel numb, depressed, anxious and irritable.

Yup. That's me.  I guess I'm quite normal after all! I found an interesting article that describes crisis fatigue, especially in relation to current events.  But it doesn't really address how to take care of ourselves during these unsettling times!

So, feeling determined, I set out on a search. A search of the Google kind.

My mission: Self care tips during crisis. And I found some good stuff!!

Let me say right now, I am so grateful to have discovered Qi Gong BEFORE the SHTF.  I hope y'all are familiar with that acronym. :)

I found two wonderful articles with suggestions on caring for one's mental and physical health during crises:

This one from the US Army says,

"Exercises, sunlight and breathing techniques are three ways to improve physical health that also benefit mental health, said Jason Mohilla, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Army Substance Abuse Program specialist.
People who don’t normally exercise can start with stretching, which goes a long way, he said. He also noted that Vitamin D is a major factor in keeping a healthy chemical balance. He recommended looking online for videos for stretching and breathing exercises.
“Controlled breathing can help clear the mind, reduce heartrate and lower blood pressure,” Mohilla said."
This next article, specifically recommends Qi Gong in preventing an managing respiratory illnesses, including covid-19:

"Taking the small amount of research into consideration, the authors say, “Qigong may be potentially useful for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of respiratory infections, including COVID-19. The elderly, in particular, could benefit from Qigong during the ongoing pandemic.”


And this article, suggests practicing Qi Gong for stress relief and self-care during quarantine, but as we open up our cities, we have other stresses that are bombarding us.

"Qi gong, which roughly translates to “life force,” is an ancient Taoist and Buddhist practice of movement, breathing and meditation that can improve both mental and physical health. Many elements of qi gong are also found in tai chi. “It is essentially the Chinese version of yoga, except it does not require as much flexibility or strength,” Claudia Chen, a Vancouver-based registered acupuncturist, said. “It uses physical movement to allow the flow of energy – qi – to move freely in our bodies, which optimizes our health and well-being.”
How to implement: The gentle, dynamic movements of qi gong are easy to learn and require little space – about as much as you would need for yoga. Many sessions begin by inhaling while reaching up with flat palms for a full body stretch, then pressing the palms downward while exhaling. Another simple move known as owl gaze involves looking over one shoulder, then the other. No special equipment is needed and beginners who need instruction can find courses online."
Doing this research has slowed my racing heart. Mostly because I realize I am not alone. It is normal to have these symptoms in a world turned upside down. And while I have never yearned for normalcy, there is comfort in knowing, at least emotionally I am in good company.

So I am going to continue with my self care.  Qi Gong is my new best friend.

I think I will end here. 

I hope you are all finding time for some self-care too.  Be still. Breathe. Walk. Drink water.  Fill your body with healthy whole foods, and fill your senses with beauty.  

I can see, as I always do, that I need this blog as much as I need all of the above. It is catharctic. And I feel connected to you, my readers.

Talk to you tomorrow!



 P.S. I have a confession to make. I have been remiss in my daily Bible studies.  I just opened my Bible to my psalm of the day.  It is Psalm 119: 17-24. I was struck by these verses:  (Psalm 119: 22-24 NKJV) "Remove from me reproach and contempt. For I have kept Your testimonies. Princes also sit and speak against me, but Your servant meditates on Your statutes. Your testimonies also are my delight and my counselors".


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