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Year Three, Day 110: I Like Change, But How Do I Help the Suffering?

I woke up in a bit of a panic this morning. I had planned on getting to the track by 6:30 a.m., because I thought today was the first day of school. You see, the public is not allowed to use the track when school is in session. Understandably so.

But alas, I overslept! I still headed out with my hoop, hoping it was before school hours at 7:30 a.m.

And I breathed a sigh of relief. The school looked vacant. And only one solitary jogger with her solitary dog was present.

I got busy in case the kids were due to arrive. Got a nice hoop workout in. No sign of children as I walked back to the house.

So I did what I should have done in advance. I consulted Google.

And most happy am I - North Clackamas School District does not start back to school until September 6th! Portland Public Schools start today.

But the elementary school next door to the track lists "student hours" as 7:45 - 2:00 p.m.

So I really am going to have to get an earlier start next week. I am aiming for 6:30 hoop start time.

It will be good training. My granddaughter is due to arrive soon. I will need to get up at the crack of dawn - or even earlier - in order to hop on a bus to Vancouver to visit and then make it back in time for my church office job. Thankfully I do not begin fall term piano lessons until the first week in October!

October! I can't believe that month is approaching. I do love the fall!  Cooler weather. Rain! The changing colors of the leaves.

I like change.

Speaking of which, since I got out the door quickly this morning, I had time to run up to Safeway and get food for lunch and packing on the bus. Plus a grande Americano coffee with steamed almond milk from Starbucks.

Cooler weather and hot coffee go together quite nicely, me thinks!

This is my before coffee face

This is my after coffee face! :)

I was so pleased when I went to pay for my purchases at Safeway.  The debit/credit card reader had an option to donate to Hurricane Harvey relief! Just think, if we all donated $1 each time we shopped, how that would add up!

I read that the sun broke through the clouds in Houston today.  The waters should begin to recede soon. But the rebuilding has just begun.  So many people will return home to find everything gone. My heart goes out to them.

And in other parts of the world, flooding is even more catastrophic.  I read about the flooding in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.  So much suffering. I would like to donate to these people to. I will do some research and find the best organization.

All lives matter.

It is hard for me to be carefree and happy when I know how others are suffering.

I hope to find a way that I can make a difference some day. In the meantime, I will just try to be kind and mindful in my own little corner of the world. Be a good teacher, a good pianist, a good mother, a good grandmother, a good administrative assistant, a good neighbor, a good friend, a good daughter and a good citizen.

But my heart is breaking for all the people who have less.  I think I am going to get busy and knit a bunch of hats on my round loom.  When it starts to get cold in Portland, there are always cold people at bus stops. I like to pick up a bunch of gloves from the Dollar Tree and hand them out. It would be nice to give out hats too.

Why do I still feel this deep, heavy ache in my chest? Like nothing I can do is enough?

Speaking of suffering, it sounds like Portland is due for another heat wave next week.  And more smoke filled air.

But at least we do not have hurricanes and floods.

And I do have a lot of joy in my life.  My newest joy is hooping!  Starting the day outside, exercising, moving and knowing I am improving my health is a total upper!  I have my family. I have a new granddaughter on the way.  I have wonderful students. And friends who I make music with. I have good jobs. I have a lovely, safe place to live.  I have my freedom. I have my faith in God.

I need to resurrect my attitude of gratitude. Doom and gloom helps noone!

On that note, I wish you a happy Wednesday!

Talk to you tomorrow,



p.s. Today is Day 76 of my daily hooping experiment! Most proud am I!


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