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Year Four, Day 70: Encountering Angels in the Land of the Golden Arches

I keep on meeting earth angels.  In the most unlikely places!

Yet again, I had the most amazing encounter at McDonald's of all places. 

I have been sticking to my resolve to give up expensive Starbucks drinks. Even though I have a Starbucks app and earn stars with each purchase, the free drink does not cancel out the money I put out to earn the "free" drink!

I need every penny for my son's bail.  And for daily survival.

But I still enjoy having a place to hang out when I come to Portland to teach. To hang out, sip coffee, read my Bible, write in my prayer journal and keep up with my GoFundMe account.

So there I was. Having my large, coffee with one creamer and 2 sugars at McDonald's on SE Powell.  Coffee at McDonald's, by the way is not that much inferior to Starbucks. And at $1.00 for a large, well within my budget!

And there's an app.  Buy 5 coffees any size and get the 6th for free.  Now your speaking my language!

Plus, over the years, I have had the most profound encounters at the land of the golden arches.

Today, I encountered four.

Anyway, back to my story:

There I was, sipping my coffee, reading my Bible, praying for my son and countless others.  A middle aged woman sat at the table next to me. She had her daughter with her.  Her daughter looked to be in her early 20's. But she was the size of a 7 year-old. She had a baseball cap pulled down over her ears. In her arms she cradled a baby doll in a worn out blanket.

I smiled at them.  The girl looked at me and babbled incoherently. I smiled.

The mom asked her what she wanted to eat.

Again the babbling.

"I'll get you a Happy Meal", said mom cheerfully. Then she went up to the counter, leaving the girl staring at me, babbling.

"Yum!" I said to her. "A cheeseburger!"

I wasn't sure how she would react.

But she looked at me and said, "It's O.k!"

Then she went back to her babbling and cradling her baby doll.

Soon mom came back with her food.  But she didn't have a cup.  She looked at me and asked if she was supposed to get a drink.

Me, the McDonald's expert that I am, explained that she could retrieve a cup from the kiosk where she ordered.

And off she went again!

The girl looked at me and shrieked, "It's O.K.!"

I couldn't help but laugh.  She was very enthusiastic about everything!

And when her meal came, she grabbed large handfuls of fries and shoved them in her mouth making, "Mmm" sounds.

It reminded me of when I was a single mom with very young kids. You learn to eat fast.

Soon, their meal was over.  The mom looked at me and smile.

"Have a nice day", she said.

I told her to do the same.

Then I waved at her girl.  Mom looked over and said, "Say goodbye to the nice lady!"

The girl looked at me and said, "It's O.K.!" She reached out her hand. She wore black mittens. I reached out to shake her hand.

And she grabbed my left hand in a death grip!

I gasped and was able to somehow retrieve my hand before damage was done. Mom looked at me apologetically and ushered the girl out.

I thought about what a gentle, kind mom she had.  She took it all in stride.  Taking care of a special needs child is a life long commitment. 

I sighed and got back to my prayer and study.

Shortly thereafter, a young lady sat down with two cups of what looked like coffee.  She held her left hand up and said, "Just to let you know, I am not flipping you off. I slammed my middle finger in the car door. It's swollen and really hurts!"

I nodded and thanked her for the information. She sat down and started pouring creamer in her cup. After the fourth one, I looked up.

"McDonald's coffee is not bad is it? And much cheaper than Starbucks!", I smiled.

She smiled back. "But this is hot chocolate!" she exclaimed. "I like lots of creamer in my hot chocolate".

I told her that sounded yummy and got back to my reading.

Soon a very tall, sturdy man joined her at the table.  I forgot about them as I got deep into the Psalms.

As they were standing up to leave, the young lady waved at me.  And the man stopped in front of my table.  He spoke in a deep, slow voice.

"Have a nice day, Miss", he said. "And I want to let you know my heart is warmed to see you with your Bible open on the table like that".

I smiled. "Thank you. I am praying for my son. He's in jail".  I have no idea why I blurted that out to a complete stranger.

But let me tell you this: I am glad I did. I will never forget them. He sat right back down and we talked for at least a half hour. He was from Texas. He spent half of his life in jail, he told me.  And now he had a 50 year-old son in Huntsville Unit Prison in Huntsville, Texas and a 30 year-old son in jail in Portland. 

I gave him my condolences. I told him I would pray for them. His 50 year-old son is doing life in prison. The 30 year-old has yet to be sentenced.

This man had the most peaceful, loving demeanor.  He told me he wanted to share a scripture with me and he would like me to share it with my son.

He pulled out his cell phone and brought up his bible app.

"Proverbs 27:11", he said, leaning over and showing me the verse.

 "Be wise, my son, and make my heart glad,
    that I may answer him who reproaches me."

Proverbs 27:11 English Standard Version (ESV)


He told me that the Bible is a personal letter from God to each one of us.  He said, to insert my son's name in the verse:  "Be wise, Andrew, and make your heart glad, that you may answer him who reproaches". (Him being Satan, the devil, the evil one).


We talked awhile.  About his life, his sons, the judicial system.  Then he and the woman rose and said goodbye. I wiped tears away as they left. 


And I opened up my Bible. To Proverbs 27.


Talk to you tomorrow.






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