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Year Four, Day 285: Back on Track!

 Hello Dear Readers!

Today is Monday, June 14, 2021.  I am beginning my summer term private piano lessons this week. Next week will be the beginning of summer term for my group classes.

My twin granddaughters will be turning one month old this coming Friday.  

The past year was filled with so much change.  For someone like me, who normally thrives on change, it was actually quite overwhelming.

With the beginning of this term brings with it a return to routine and structure. Especially since I will be balancing Zmahood with Teacher Zita and my fiance.  Every role I embrace wholeheartedly.  But I do need to remember to including Zita time in the picture. 

When I began this blog, nearly five years ago, I felt quite unbalanced. I vowed to improve my life. I considered myself a project. And my self-improvement, like learning an instrument. I have always encouraged my students to practice every single day, even if it is for a short while. And to make sure they are focused entirely on piano whole doing so.  

Focused practiced on a regular basis brings the most results, in my opinion. And if what you are practicing is something you want to keep in your life, like a good habit, you need to include it your daily routine.

With all the change in my life, especially surrounding my family members, I have ignored many of my good habits. 

The beauty of all of my introspective work and practice over the years is this: I can always hop back on the train!

My fiance commented yesterday that he noticed a big difference in my mood (for the better) when I did my daily hooping and went to the gym regularly.

So exercise is high on my list of positive habits to return to.

Also, my emotional and mental health can be shaky, especially in times of stress.  My counselor, who I speak to weekly on the phone, advised me to think of balancing my emotions as a practice, just like practicing my piano.  So I made a list of tools to use when I feel myself feeling my temper raise or negative thoughts threatening to bring me down:

  1. Pray. Even an urgent "Help me God!" will help center me.
  2. Breathe. Slowly. Deeply.
  3. Walk or do some type of movement.
  4. Play the piano, if one is available.
I feel like I can get back on track.  I have managed to keep my weight stable, but would like to lose a bit more. Slowly is fine. But my knees have been aching.  Again, the beauty of all my research and work on myself has revealed the best way for me to stay healthy:

1. Eat fresh vegetables and fruit.
2. Eat small meals.
3. Drink copious amounts of water.
4. Keep my eating within a "window" of 7 to 8 hours, usually not eating after 6 pm.
5. Limit sugar, salt and fast foods.

I love my family, every single one of them. My grandchildren especially warm my heart and give me so much joy.

I love teaching piano, even online!  I am looking forward to seeing all my students again, and meeting new ones! I am especially thrilled that some of my more advanced students are interested in learning to play the Blues and Jazz!

So in order to teach and care for and love all of the people in my life, I need to take care of the common denominator. 

Me! Zma! Teacher Zita! Mom!  Daughter! Sister! Aunt! Great Aunt! And "Baby" (err that's what my man calls me....blush).

I am motivated and inspired to continue the good work I started nearly five years ago. And I hope to take you along with me. 

The train is leaving the station. All aboard!

Happy Monday!




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