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Year Four, Day 287: A Little Timeout

 Dear Readers:

Remember when I expressed my bliss when my twin granddaughters were born? They are therapy for my soul.  But there are speed bumps. There will always be speed bumps. 

Yes, I am totally embracing my Zma hood.  But I am a realist. I do not believe in a  happily ever after. Not like in fairy tales.  I no longer believe in Fairy tales. It hit me as I snuggled with my 3 year-old granddaughter this morning.  She loves her story time with Zma.  When her mom was in the hospital giving birth to the twins, I was so tired one night, I asked her to tell me stories. 

Without hesitation she did! The Three Little Pigs,  Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood...excruciating detail! I was impressed.  And very happy that I had edited the violence out! No Big Bad Wolf eating Granny; he just locked her in the closet!  

I remember when I was a kid, the "...and they all lived happily ever after" ending really bugged me.  I didn't believe it back then. But ironically, I think I have been living my whole life waiting for the ever after to arrive.  

At least I have my prince at last!  But even with true love, there are speed bumps. I can be a very difficult person.

My kids know this. 

My daughter reminded me of my imperfections this morning. We had a crazy morning.  Babies were up quite a bit last night. My daughter was exhausted. My 3 1/2 granddaughter woke up earlier than usual. And promptly got into trouble.  My daughter told me to wait in the living room for her, while they had a talk.  Soon after, she called out to me from the top of the stairs, "I am sorry I took so long, Zma. I was getting in trouble from Mommy."

I never found out what the trouble was. Because later that morning I got into trouble!

My daughter brought the babies downstairs while I fed their older sister breakfast. She was moving very slowly. I started asking questions. She sternly reprimanded. Did I not remember I was not supposed to talk to her until she had her first cup of coffee?

She opened the cupboard and sighed. Her husband had forgotten to get coffee beans!

"WTF!" I exclaimed before realizing what I had just said. "Mama needs coffee!"

My daughter raised one eyebrow and tilted her head towards the kitchen table. Luckily my granddaughter was on her tablet, and hopefully had not heard her foul mouthed Zma!

Hopefully she didn't hear me say, "Shit!" later when she was giving us a dance performance. She was demonstrating how she could do spins with her eyes closed. I don't know what we were expecting. But she spun around, got dizzy, fell and hit her head on the coffee table.

The women in our family have tough heads. She was ok! But I got another stern look from my daughter.

Alexa in the kitchen was playing music for the performance.  The twins began to scream bloody murder. It was obviously feeding time. The dog suddenly had to be let out. Daddy was still laying in bed, exhausted. 

My daughter shouted, "Stop, Alexa!" 

But Alexa wasn't listening. She is very defiant. She even playing the music louder.

For third time, I cussed like a truckdriver (sorry truckdrivers, I know that's not politically correct).  

"STFU Alexa!"

My daughter turned to me and said, "If you don't tame that potty mouth, and my daughter starts saying those words, you will be in trouble, Zma!"

I guess I'd better give myself a time out!

And that is exactly what I am doing today! I finally hooped. I told my fiance.  He was thrilled and asked how I felt. My mood was soaring. Even though I got in trouble this morning! In fact, I think I needed to hoop because of our stressful morning.

After I helped with babies. I went for a walk, had some lunch and returned some DVD's to the library.

I did a happy dance when I discovered the downtown library is open again here in Vancouver!  I am actually blogging on a library computer at this very moment!

Perhaps this is not happily ever after, but life feels pretty damn, err dang good right now!  After I blog, I am off to the gym and then  back home to teach piano.

A little time out is good for the soul sometimes!

Happy Wednesday!



P.S. Here is today's hooping video! 


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