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Year Four, Day 286: Zen Rose and Ninja Hope

 Hello Friends!

Let me tell you something about these baby girls. They are fraternal twins. The are non-identical, also called "fraternal".  I did a bit of reading about twins and found it quite interesting.

Even more fascinating is being a part of these babies lives from the very beginning!  They are twins because they were born at the same time. Female-female, fraternal, apparently also called "sororal" twins. Perhaps that is where the word "sorority" came from?

It was evident from the moment I met them when their mom and dad brought these little packages of joy home from the hospital, that they are completely different. They are essentially sisters born at the same time!

Rose was born first. She is larger than her sister. She is also very zen like. Easy to feed. Sleeps much more than her sister hope.  If Rose is zen-like, then I would have to say Hope is a ninja!

Hope fusses and fusses. Eats less, sleeps less and is awake more.  

Here are some pictures. Can you spot the difference between Zen Rose and Ninja Hope?

I am so looking forward to teaching these two piano lessons!  I have taught most of my family piano at various times in their lives.  My 3 1/2 granddaughter was exposed to music from day 1. We played one of my favorite albums "Walela" for her.  The Cherokee "Amazing Grace" was her theme song.

It warms my heart to hear my daughter put on this same album for Rose and Hope.  It is like coming full circle.  

My grandson, who I don't see as often as I would like - I wish I could clone myself - responds to music so naturally that I told my son and his wife that I am getting him a keyboard for Christmas. Every time I visit, I plan to give him a lesson!

Funny, when I was in college, I did not study music education. I was a piano performance major.  A pianist with debilitating stage fright. After I graduated, I ran away from the piano as fast as possible. I worked as a receptionist, a transcriptionist and a massage therapist. It wasn't until my daughter was a baby, that I gravitated back.

It was because of a small, neighborhood church.  I was invited to one of their potlucks. We met the sweetest group of mostly older people. They welcomed us warmly and with much yummy food!

When they heard I could play the piano, the pastor called and asked me if I would be their pianist.  I was thrilled and terrified all at once. But my work as a church pianist was what I need for my confidence to grow.  I got nothing but kind words from the congregation. And in that little church I learned to play from my soul.

I do not perform much anymore. The pandemic put an end to the choir I accompanied. But I hope that we will reconvene in the fall. I miss the people of the choir tremendously. I have always had such social anxiety, that I avoid gatherings. But this community is comfortable for me. Probably because we meet for a purpose.  And music is involved. And very little small talk involved. Plus when we give our concerts, much yummy food is involved! I sense theme here?

Speaking of food, I am back to intermittent fasting. I do not eat after 6. Only water and tea.  I like the feeling of waking up ravenous.

Anyway, I am getting ready to teach my evening piano students.  I am feeling very grateful to have stumbled into this profession. It suits me.  

Perhaps it wasn't a coincidence?

On that note, I bid you a happy Tuesday evening!

Talk soon.




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