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Year Four, Day 307: Unmasked and Fasted!

Hello Friends!

I am sitting in my favorite corner coffee shop, sipping a London Fog with oat milk and lavender.  

My face feels naked!  I am maskless.  And speaking of naked, you know those dreams where you wake up naked in a crowd of people - unnaked people?  Well, I have those dreams a lot!  I had a deja vu moment as I walked into my coffee shop and my favorite barista was wearing a mask. I felt - naked!

She told me she is being cautious.  It seems many people are. I see several people walking around the neighborhood with their masks. Perhaps it is human nature to resist authority.  Now that we've gotten used to masks, perhaps some people do not want to be told to take them off?

Not me! I'm ready to throw all of my  masks up in the air and then light them on fire!

Well, I will probably still wear mine on the bus.  In fact, my mother told me they will be still required on buses and in medical facilities.

It's all good. I am so happy to not have rummage through my purse everytime I enter an establishment looking for a lone mask.  

And I am super thrilled to teach without a mask! It has been difficult for me to convey support, encouragement and a smile behind my mask.  And that is who I am - an encouraging, positive teacher!

Plus, the masks made my nose itch like crazy.

I am feeling so good today.  This feeling of freedom that I mentioned yesterday persists.  Freedom from masks, freedom from cold, wet weather - it is beautiful and sunny this morning! A little chilly, but hey - it's still March!

My son and his family took a road trip yesterday to visit my daughter and her family in Idaho. I was praying like mad that they made it safely.  They did.  Now all of my grandchildren are in the same house!  I miss them terribly, but I am relieved that they are safe. And come to think of it, I am feeling even more free! My man and I plan on going out to lunch before I teach my afternoon students. Tonight I have a date with my daughter-in=law's mom. We are going out for a drink or two.  

I imagine if I were with my kids, they would say, "Hey, Zma. Watch all 5 kids while WE go out!"  

Not this weekend!  It's Zma free time!

Speaking of which, I survived my first ADF Fasting day.  Like a beast! I had less than 500 calories yesterday and did not suffer much at all!  I woke up feeling light and clear headed.

Today and tomorrow are feast days, or should I say normal eating days.  I think I will eat relatively healthy.  I don't want to get into some weird binge/fast cycle.

But I feel confident about this eating plan.  On a restrictive diet, I feel deprived and depressed. Like I am punishing myself for being fat and I can't enjoy food until I have lost weight. When the weight doesn't come off easily, I often give up.  

But on this alternate day fasting, I can live with a low calorie diet for one day, knowing the next day I can eat heartily if I wish!

I don't currently have a scale at home, but I feel lighter already! 

So yesterday, I had a cup of coffee with a splash of cream and sugar free caramel syrup for breakfast.

For lunch I had a "Smart Ones" frozen meal of chicken and broccoli, Oikos Greek yogurt, celery and a few apple slices. That was about 300 calories.

I packed a snack for work:  More celery, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter,  more apple slices, and water.

I felt a little hungry towards the end of the day, so I drank 1/2 of a Diet Coke.

That was it! I didn't starve to death and in fact, my energy is soaring this morning!

My boyfriend and I are heading to lunch soon. We're going to Buster's Barbecue, where I plan on having the Meat Salad!  Low carb is definitely my friend. 

I plan on hitting the gym for a quick workout before teaching.  

I will keep you posted on my progress!

Happy Saturday!




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