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Year Four, Day 309: Kudos for Showing Up!

Day 28 at the gym!

Hello Friends!

I am here at my local library. I suddenly have a whole day ahead of me free. No obligations.  Good thing because I need some down time. Tomorrow I fly to Idaho to visit my granddaughters.  I am fairly certain I will be moving the first week of April, so I have many boxes to go through at my partner's family's home.  I am gradually becoming a minimalist. At least where personal belongings are concerned!

Today is Day 3 of my ADF fasting regimen. I feel good! I had a very light lunch with my partner and my mother this morning.  I stopped off at the store afterwards and got supplies for the rest of the day.  Since I had my main meal at 11:30 a.m., I will just nosh on celery, peanut butter, an apple, water and maybe a cup of soup later.

I am amazed that I am thriving on this eating plan.  If I feel deprived, or in binge mode on my fasting days (in case you didn't read any previous posts, I am allowed up to 500 calories on binge days. On normal eating days, I can eat what I want, within reason).

I must admit I am a bit nervous about this upcoming move. It has been many, many moons since I have had to pay full rent.  I have lived in rented rooms in homes of friends, I have traded room and board for my Zma services since my first granddaughter was born, which was over 4 years ago. Currently I am staying with my partner in his family's home. He gets free rent in exchange for helping around the house and yard.  I have been temporarily staying with him since my daughter and her family moved to Idaho, leaving me without housing.

I chose to do all of the household's laundry in order to feel like I am contributing, but I still don't feel right. It feels like high school, coming home and going up the stairs to my partner's room.  I am gone so much with work, family and gym obligations, that I feel I am lacking in socializing with my housemates.  

This new apartment is tiny, but it feels so right!  I mean look at this cute little kitchen!

Cute Little Kitchen :)

My partner is not sold on it. I am guessing he will stay with his family as they prepare to sell their home and move closer to their other family members on the westside.

Financially, I'm a little nervous. But this landlord is the same landlord for my son and his family. He is being very accommodating, but cannot wait past the first week in April to rent the unit. And have I mentioned how much I love it?

It is on the bus line, literally a few feet away. The same bus that would take me directly to my son's home and drop me literally a few feet from their door.  There is a library right across the street! I know I mentioned this one. It is like the cherry on top of the cake!  It is only one floor, no stairs. There is a fenced backyard and a laundry room for the tenants.

I will be able to spend more time with my son and family before I got to work. I will have my own space to decompress after work. I can cook again!  Which I will need to a lot more of! The past few years I have spent way too much money eating out in restaurants. I have several places where I am considered a "regular", which I love. But if I am going to have to afford rent, I am going to have to nip that habit in the bud!

What is helping me stay calm and slightly centered at this time is the gym. I have been going nearly every day for 28 days now! I could definitely work harder. And longer. But I give myself  BIG KUDOS for simply showing up!

My mental, physical and emotional health thank me. As does my partner.  I was going to wait to work out this evening, but he encouraged me to get a work out in before lunch with my mom. 

"You'll feel better", he said in a very wise tone.  

He was right. I always feel better after I work out. I might go again this evening.  I didn't work out very hard this morning. 

But a nap also sounds good! And I plan on doing some cleaning and purging before my trip. I have boxes stored at my partner's place from my last move. Boxes of mostly music and books.  We packed me up quite hurriedly when my daughter and family decided to move around Christmas.  I can see now that at least half of what I own can be donated, recycled or thrown away. I plan on beginning to sort through my things later this afternoon.

After my nap.

I must be getting old.  When I think about a long stretch of time where I have no plans, a nap is the first thing that pops into my head!

On that note, I wish you all a wonderful Wednesday!



P.S. I might post from Idaho - I do plan on hitting the gym at least once while I'm there!

But if I am too busy with babies, I will definitely check in next week!


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