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Year Four, Day 313: The Ducks are Getting Out of Line

Hello Friends! :) 

I am sitting at the kitchen table at my son's house. My grandson is sitting with me. He is watching a "truck show" on my Kindle while I do computer work.  As I look outside, I see patches of blue and white fluffy clouds through one window pane. Through the other?  Dark foreboding clouds!

It must be because of the ducks.  Yes, ducks. Just when I thought I had my ducks in a row, some of them are getting out of line!

I was so proud of myself and greatly relieved when I redid my weekend teaching schedule yesterday. I have so many private students, that I was teaching Saturday and Sunday afternoons online at my son's house.  That's where the internet is. But I didn't feel so good about sitting in a corner of their home, focusing on my students when my precious grandbabies were in the other room. My grandson is very curious about the piano. When I am not teaching, he raises his adorable chubby arms to me and says "Pano!". At which point I pick him up and we play little tunes.  He bobs his head and has the biggest grin on his face, which warms my heart.

After finally returning to church last Sunday, it became clear to me that I need family time.  (God kind of hammered that one on my rebellious head.) So I moved most of my Sunday students to Saturday, and I booked students starting in the morning, with many breaks in between for grandkids. :)

It felt so wonderful!  I was about to email parents that I need to have next Saturday off, when I got an email from my new landlord. He is so wonderful! He is actually my son's landlord. He was very apologetic, but asked if I could delay my moving in due to returning cat odor. Apparently the previous tenants had a cat, an landlord approved cat mind you, that must have sprayed.  Because after all of the deep cleaning, the odor keeps returning. They may have to replace tile and grout.

My first thought was: I have no sense of smell! No big deal!  However, the thought of cat odors that others could smell, especially grandchildren gave me pause. Plus, I have asthma AND a cat allergy.  If I could not detect the smell, it is still there and perhaps might affect my health.

Sigh.  So I think I will be staying with my son longer. They all say they are happy to have me. And I am happy to be here and spend time with them. But my new place is so cute and I can't wait to have my own space to decorate!

And then....I get an email from the music center about summer term.  Just when I was getting used to a full, five day a week schedule - BOOM! - summer term happens. I have no excuse for this. I know summer happens every year. And every year, my students disappear - traveling, hanging out with friends, etc.  My mother gives me no end of grief when I exclaim - "Oh no! I have hardly any work! How will I pay my bills this summer?"

She sighs and tells me she hears this every year.  (We have a weekly lunch ritual where we share the goods and bads of our lives).  She says I should plan ahead!

I guess I am always expecting something different.  But this year? I have made so much progress in my personal life, and I am an exceptionally good teacher. And, really, I DO like to plan ahead.  So a planning I shall go!

It is apparent that this pandemic is history.  Bye bye Covid!  So our new normal of working from home is also going away. Mostly. I think I, like many people, have gotten used to being more comfortable and used the pandemic as an excuse to stay home and work in our pajama pants.  

I am ready to shed the PJs and get back out there! As much as I have enjoyed virtual learning, there is no substitute for the support one gets from a live, in-person teacher!

So I am putting the word out that I will be offering some in=person, home visit lessons this summer.  I am waiting for the final word on my schedule at the music center. But when that is in place, I hope to go back to my life pre pandemic. I would group students in neighborhoods. I had a wonderful group of boys who lived in the same neighborhood off of SE Belmont.  And the icing on the cake was they were right around the corner from a wonderful food car pod.

I always looked forward to my Belmont Wednesdays!  I have so many online students now, and I have no idea what part of town they live in. It might be a challenge to group them on certain days. But I do like a challenge!

Speaking of which, my practice on Chopin's Fantasie-Impromptu is going well. I've only had a short practice every day since I initiated this challenge. But already I hear improvement. I will post another video later this week.

I am considering doing another educational concert. I call them "Piano for All".  I create a musical theme and after research and practice, present a program that is very kid friendly. I even invite them on state for an interactive segment.  I have a program in mind already and just need to plan a date and clear the use of the auditorium with the music center.

I will keep you posted. But now, to the gym I shall go! Yesterday was my fasting day. I succeeded. I have still only lost 6 pounds, but I am sticking with my plan.

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday.

Talk soon!




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