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Year Two, Day 330: "I Might Get Mean!"

Twas a dark and stormy DAY here in Milwaukie, Oregon.

I was laying in bed, listening to the radio, contemplating getting vertical when I heard the wind howling outside.  Then out went the power!

I had my doctor's appointment today. I had planned on relaxing at home, playing a little piano, walking on the treadmill. But those plans changed. Can't do those without power (I have a digital electric keyboard).

So I hopped hop and brushed my teeth with my flashlight. Wait, I brushed my teeth with my toothbrush, whilst balancing a flashlight on the bathroom sink.

That sounds better!

I decided that a McDonald's breakfast would be in order.  I was going to try to get to the gym before the doctor too, but as I stood there waiting for the bus, watching the trees bend, feeling my hair whip around in the storm, I suddenly felt the need for a relaxing comfortable day. I was up last night coughing quite a bit. 

But that wind!

 My housemate posted on FB that a tree fell on our street, blocking them in.  Many downed trees, garbage cans rolling around in the street.  'Til a blustery day in the neighborhood!

And it appeared that many other people had the same idea as me.  McDonald's was packed. The drive through line went around the block.  Maybe they were without power and needed comfort too!

But it was a lively crowd. Everyone talking about the wind, their garbage cans, trees...

I had a nice cup of oatmeal, a hash brown and an orange juice.

One good thing about these allergies or whatever it is I have is that my appetite has decreased.  I have been successful in curtailing my late night eating and recreational eating! This week has been a lot of fruits, veggies, oatmeal and yogurt.

I found my old weighcommander website.  Even though I have been frustrated with my weight loss plateau, I have however lost 34 pounds since 2011!  Wow, at this rate I will reach my goal weight in the year 2030!  I will be 68!  Ok.  I really do need to work harder!  But, I have had some success, so I will give myself a high five for that at least.

Now I am heading to my doctor appointment. Will check back in later...


So I had a short, annoying doctor visit. My usual doctor has moved on. Actually they are PA's at the clinic my plan sends me to. (Good ol' Oregon Health Plan. Not complaining, glad to have insurance)

But he was not impressed with the lump on my neck. Said it was a clogged salivary gland. (That's what the last PA said). "But, it has gotten bigger!" I exclaimed. "And it is more to the side, like a lymph node." I made him feel my lump.

He rolled his eyes. "That is your tonsil".

I told him my symptoms. How I had been sneezing, with a plugged up nose and itchy eyes for over three months. It would get a little better, but then come back. Now, it is not my nose so much, but has moved more into my chest.

He stopped me.

"What do you mean, 'it has moved into your chest'? He raised an eyebrow at me.

I told him now I have this deep cough, especially at night.

He laughed. "Of course, a cough is in your chest."

He laughed kindly, it seemed. But I felt very small just then.

"No antibiotics for you", he said. "No fever".

"Nothing I have tried over the counter has helped," I whined.

"I am giving you Prednisone", he declared, writing in my chart. "Have you taken it before?"

"No", I said, concerned. "That's a steroid. Will it make me mean?"

He laughed again. This time more good naturedly. "Maybe, but this is a small dose and we will taper it off. I also want you to have blood work, you haven't had that in a long time", he said nonchalantly.

But I swear he looked at the lump on my neck when he said that.

Anyway, I picked up my steroids. The pharmacist was super nice. She explained to me all the possible side effects. She reassured me that I wouldn't get mean. But that I should take it early in the day with food.

I just took my first dose about an hour ago.

I swear I am already breathing better!

And now off to teach piano.

I am wondering if my symptoms are partially anxiety related. Worried about the my health, my energy, my family, the world.  And I am worried about worrying!

Ok. I will stop now.  I think the best stress relief I have found besides prayer is a good hard workout.  So Prednisone, I don't care if you make me mean. Make me better!

Happy Friday! 

Zita :)


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