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Year Four, Day 199: Peaks and Valleys/PHJ

Today is a very good day.  My daughter looked at me from the kitchen as she was making her coffee.  I was laughing.  She cocked one eyebrow up and me.

"I'm having a good day", I explained. "I'm probably about a 7".

"You're an 8!", she said knowingly.

We've been tracking my moods again. She told me she is generally about a 5 in the morning before coffee. Afterwards, a 6 or 7.  She rarely changes.

Me?  I was about up high on the mountain Saturday. About a 9.  Yesterday, I was on the edge of the abyss. About a 2. But I fought really hard. Because I didn't want to dampen the spirits of anyone at my grand niece's party.  By the end of the party, I was about a 5.  Being around family is something I avoid when I'm low. But their presence usually brings me back up. Whether they know I am low or not. It usually is best not to say anything.

Except for my daughter. She knows.  She can tell my number just looking at my face!

Bless her heart.

My mood tracking is on a number basis now:

Depression: 0 = no depression/ 10 = the Abyss
Anxiety: 0 = no anxiety/ 10 = Anxious train wreck
Irritability: 0 - no irritation/10 = The B*tch
Peace, Happiness and Joy (PHJ):  0 is pretty much depressed/10 is Ecstatic

So when my daughter and I declare our numbers, we are talking about PHJ.

It does help to track. It helps to blog.

But what really helps is a good nights sleep;  fasting; breaking a fast with fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains and coffee or tea; and a feeling of accomplishment.

I had all of that today so far! My daughter decided to work from home instead of going into the office. Then she went to the grocery store and loaded up with all the ingredients for the healthy meals we like to make. Then she came home, with grocery and bearing a gift of coffee for me. I put away the groceries and she grabbed her daughter and whisked her off to a play date with her friend.

Then, having the place to myself, I made my healthy first meal:

Healthy first meal:  Kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, boiled potatoes cilantro lime rice, chopped fruit, hummus and coffee.
Next, I cleaned up and did a load of laundry. Did my bible study and journaling and practiced the piano. By the time my daughter and granddaughter came home, it was toddler nap time. I grabbed my book and walked briskly to the bus stop. I am now at the library.  

Luckily I do not teach today. I really needed a day off!  

And how convenient that my day off and my #8 PHJ coincide!

I'm almost finished with The Plague, by Albert Camus, easily one of the most profound books I've ever read in my life!

I see my therapist tomorrow. He was one that recommended it. I think I'll ask him for another book recommendation. In the meantime I picked up a book by Bill Clinton and James Patterson: The President is Missing, which is described as a "political thriller".  Sounds fun! I am curious about Bill Clinton and James Patterson collaborating on a novel. I will be sure and give you my review.

I mentioned that I slept well last night. My allergies were not bothering me, so I was able to wear my CPAP mask. I don't often sleep with it when my nose is plugged. I slept deep until about 3:00 a.m. Usually when I wake at the wee hours, I open Twitter or Facebook and get caught up on the world. 

But usually it disturbs me, I fall back to sleep and oversleep, feeling most groggy!

So this morning I did some research for a column I plan on writing for my church job.  I will be giving the background on Lutheran hymns. And who better to start with than Martin Luther!

I was thrilled to find out that the plague greatly affected Martin Luther, his family and his inspiration for hymn writing.

That sounds horrible. Of course, I am not thrilled that anyone suffered with the plague. But having just read a novel about the plague, (which by the way was based on the cholera epidemic in Algeria, where Albert Camus was born), I have plague on the brain!  So it was serendipitous that I read about the connection with Martin Luther, who I have been obsessed with for some time.

Him being a rebel and all.  (My therapist mentioned I have rebel tendencies!)

On that note, this rebel needs to run!
I am so proud of myself for sticking to my daily routine. Daily hooping, daily bible study, prayer and journaling, daily piano practice, daily fasting and daily blogging. You, my dear reader are a part of  my personal growth!

Happy Monday!

Talk to you TOMORROW!



Today's Hooping Video: Day 149!


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