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Year Two, Day 76: A Very Handsome Bus Driver

 So nice to feel good again!

And to put me in an even better mood, my newest Gwynnie Bee selection arrived in the mail!  A teal colored sleeveless dress. Fits perfectly. I put a little sweater shrug over it - not brave enough to show bare arms in public!

I decided to walk and bus to church this morning. Still feeling a little weak. Plus, it's kind of challenging riding a bike in a dress.

I got on the bus, and there was my favorite bus driver. He is Latino. Think a slightly older version of Eric Estrada.  Was nice to see his handsome, smiling face.  And as usual, we engaged in a bit of friendly flirting.

"Ah, my favorite rider", says my Latin Driver. Let's just call him LD. "It makes my day to drive around such a beautiful woman.  With the red hair and gorgeous eyes!"

I blushed violently but was smiling. I don't get much of this kind of attention at my age!

So, before thinking, I blurted out, "And it makes my day to ride with such a handsome driver!"

LD flashed me a big smile, showing some very handsome white teeth.

"I hope to see you again later", he said almost under his breath.

I think I stubbed my toe on the way to my seat.  All I know is I tripped a bit, but felt no pain!

LD definitely put a spring in my step! :)

On another pleasant note, I joined my little bible church this morning.  Got a very warm welcome.

I am now in my office, the library.  My computer is moving very slowwwwllly at home. I needed to upload some mp3's I recorded for a client online.

The air conditioning in blasting pleasantly.  Good thing. because I felt another violent blush creep over my face as I remember LD from earlier!

I am working really hard on portion control lately.  Being sick was nice because it diminished my appetite.

But I must stay ahead of the game. I know the appetite will return!

When it does, I will be ready. Smaller portions. More good fats, fiber. Lots of fruits and vegetables.  Staying away from processed junk.

Lots of water.

On that note, I am off!

Happy Sunday!


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