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Year Four, Day 96:My Lungs

Early this afternoon, I was standing at the bus stop downtown Vancouver, with a hot cup of tea in my hand. I breathed in slowly and noticed I wasn't coughing. I also noticed the sun felt warm upon my head. It was a glorious moment.

But it didn't last.

Fast forward to 5:06 p.m. The sky is slate gray, yet again and a bitter, cold wind is blowing.

On March 5th!

I don't mind the rain, but this bitter cold is getting old!

And my cough is driving me crazy. A few posts ago, I said I had accepted that this cough was here to stay. I even named him. Charlie. But I've decided I need to serve Charlie with an eviction notice. I'm fed up!

I picked up a prescription for my rescue inhaler once I got to Portland. I was precariously low; only 7 puffs left!

That made me nervous. And I have noticed that when I get nervous or anxious, I cough.

I had an enlightening conversation about my cough with an adult student of mine this afternoon. I hope I didn't bore her. But  I have decided I am going to apply the same concepts that I teach my piano students. How tension is contraindicative to performance.  I teach my students to breathe before they begin to play their pieces for me. And while they breathe in, imagine how they want their piece to sound. To shake their hands gently by their side and release all tension.

Too often, a student is so focused and intent on playing well, that they tense up. And they spend the rest of their lesson apologizing and telling me they played it so much better before their lesson!

I think I spend so  much time trying not to cough -(I don't feel sick, I just am self conscious of my hacking, and I'm not even a smoker!). that I tense up and this makes me cough more. Plus it's become a bit of a bad habit, or tick.  I feel the need to clear my throat and then become overly conscious of my lungs.

It's a vicious cycle. One I intend to break!

I've been working on my diet, keeping it more alkaline, less acidic. I'm sleeping with a CPAP machine. I take an antihistamine nightly for my allergies, which seem to be year round. I drink tea with ginger, lemon and honey.  I drink aloe vera juice. I'm back to exercising daily.

But today, it occurred to me that there is definitely an emotional component.  I remembered a pastor at a church I used to teach piano at. He told me he had breathing problems until he started practicing Tai Chi.

I also recalled some research I had started to do a few years back about breathing exercises for asthmatics.

I will have to continue this line of thinking in tomorrow's post. I need to get a bite to eat and then head to choir practice. Speaking of bites, I am trying also to eat much smaller portions and take smaller bites, and chew more thoroughly.

Below are two articles I am reading regarding Tai Chi and asthma, and breathing exercises.

But now, Charlie and I need to catch a bus. Talk to you tomorrow! Happy Tuesday!

Hope it warms up soon!



P.S. This is Day 5 of my return to hooping. See video below! :)


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